preparing for the MSL high school combine

As of now I have exactly 12 weeks until the day of the combine

here’s what i did monday march 8, 2004
warm-up 10 minutes
form starts-2x4 for 10yd
position starts-2x4 10yd
hollow sprints- 2x2 100yd
flying 10s- 2x2
40yd sprints-4 reps
5-10-5 shuttle 3 reps
long shuttle 3 reps
angle drive-3 reps
figure 8- 3 reps

hang clean 3x8 80%
squats 10/8/6 at 75%/80%85%
bench 10/6/6/max reps at 135/205/225/185lbs
pull-ups 3x10
calf raises 3x30 and 250lbs
curls 3x12 at 75lbs
knee raises 4x25
neck R,L,B 2x10 at 50lbs

tuesday march 9, 2004
what i did

warm-up 5min
stretching 10min
3x4 100yd at 75%
30 sit-ups between 100yd sets
passing routes for 15 min
cool-down 5min
stretching 10min

wednesday march 10, 2004
what i did

hang cleans 3x10 at 135lbs
squats 3x6 at 225,275,315lbs
bench press 10/6/6/12 at 135,205,225,185lbs
curls 2x12 at 75lbs
triceps 3x12 at 100lbs
shrug 2x12 at 180lbs
no speed work because of the weather

thursday march 11, 2004
what i did

warm-up 5min
stretching 10min
3x4 100yd at 75%
30 sit-ups between 100yd sets
passing routes 20mins
7 on 7
cool-down 5min
stretching 10min

what position do you play? and what are your stats? 40y? height? weight? etc. I am also going to an MSL Combine. the on on march 27 & 28 in La at oaks christian high school.