Preparation of soccer referees

Maybe I will get a job as S&C coach for soccer referees, thus I better prepare myself. I got all the articles from NSCA journal and a lot of abstracts from other journals. I plan to read it when I get some more info about the job.

I contacted one referee and he told me the ‘norms’ he gotta pass for first national league.

Norm #1
20x(150m for 30sec with 50m walk for 40sec)

Norm #2
6x40m under 6,4sec (?) rest 90sec

The first norm is a tempo workout – workout ‘capacity’ test and the second is RSA test.

I got some ideas about conditioning, but I will create a system when I hear the criterias (number of sessions, number of groups, etc). I plan testing them with YoYo Intermittent Recovery Test and creating simmilar groups.

I would use concurrent approach utilizing the following components

  1. Speed Training (up to 40-60m, but gross volume on 10-20m)
  2. Tempo workout (building volume over time)
  3. Interval workout (capped volume and decreasing rest over time. 150-200m distances; speed @60-70%)
  4. Speed Endurance and RSA work

Any thoughts on this?

There is a FIFA training programme for ref’s out there somewhere on the WWW you could have a look at it for ideas/contrast.

Thanks no23!
I am just looking for it… if you find a link please post it. Thanks

Good one


Dude… :wink: … I’m serious! :rolleyes: