pre race supp

Just curious what if anything you guys take before races? I have been hearing alot about, caff, powerdrive by biotest, brainquicken, ephedrine and tyrosine+acetyl-l-carnitine+phosphatidylcholine combo.

Power Drive works really well, no jitters or anything like that. I have also used an energy drink, Full Throttle, with great effectiveness. I think the key is not to use them very often so you will really get a boost on race day.

thanks, i was gonna order powerdrive today, i already have bq and some speedballs. do you think it would be cheaper just to take tyrosine then powerdrive?

I have tried to use just the Tyrosine but I didn’t feel near as good as with the Power Drive. I have also used Vitalyze and I can attest to it’s effectiveness as well.

who makes that?

How much did you use. I use it every day with bcaa, citruline malate, and oxirectum and alpha gpc. I love that stack. as for prerace. I would up the tyrosine, and some cocamine. Good stuff

1 Redbull and 2000mg of Tyrosine

Unisom! wait…that’s what you give your comp. nevermind

The Red Bull Company claims that drinking Red Bull improves one’s cognitive capabilities and muscular performance (1). The company attributes these enhancements to the unique combination of the ingredients including key components such as caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone. However, it seems more plausible that most of the effects observed when drinking Red Bull come principally from caffeine. Red bull contains about the same amount of caffeine (80 mg) as a cup of coffee. However, because coffee takes time to cool, it is ingested over a longer period of time than it takes to consume Red Bull. Drinking Red Bull brings into the body a large dose of caffeine in a short amount of time, resulting in a sharp rise of plasma caffeine concentration. In addition, a
psychosomatic placebo effect of having consumed an “energy drink” may compound the chemical’s actual effects. Thus it seems that drinking a cold cup of coffee may induce the same “energizing and refreshing” effects of drinking Red Bull – and best of all, at one-third the cost.

SNAC makes Vitalyze

L-tyrosine powder by NOW Foods has had some good reviews on this site.

Thanx for the info. I personally do not drink coffee and regardless of temp. would find it hard for anyone to stomach coffee prior to warming up at a track meet. :slight_smile: Also,redbull comes in a can which makes it convinent to pack in your bag. But a styrofoam cup a coffee on the otherhand has more potential to make a mess.

hard to stomach? guess you don’t want to beta test my new coffee energy drink which contains 30g of baking soda:)

How soon before you race do you have a Red Bull?

Powerdrive is ok, but it’s simply a shotgun of supplements none of which are at a significant level.
I think Vitalyse would be a better option or at least double the dose of Powerdrive.

i found both to be effective though i might have mixed the Powerdrive at a higher amount for taste. The only issue for Powerdrive is the sugar. Make sure you test it and time its effects away from comp first to be sure you don’t get a sugar crash at the wrong time (usually about 15min after you drink it- then you’re good to go) Vitalyse is more predictable.

so you recommend vitalyse over powerdrive?

DL Phenylalanine 600mg
L-Tyrosine 300mg
Siberian Ginseng 750mg
Caffeine Anhydrous 225mg
Vitamin B6 30mg
Chromium Picolinate 300mcg
Copper Sebacate 1.5mcg

hey no23 and charlie whats ur thoughts on brainquicken?

I’d go with Vitalyse but again, test it out of comp first. they recommend up to two capsules but I found some people get stomach distress with more than one. try one and then two in practice to know what to expact- and how much is enough. You might be combining this with several other things like arginine and a small amount of carnitine (again, test this one first as you might get the runs if you go too high!!) carnitine with essential fatty acids works great when competing in cold weather as you can really feel heat production.

damn they must be strong, bc i see the serving size is 3 and your saying to start out with one or two. how is the vitalyz more beneficial for a sprinter then powerdrive?