After further looking at “shin splints”…
It is often associated with overtraining (particularly at the start of a season’s training), running on hard surfaces, or poor running technique. As the first two here do not apply (i.e., it’s not the start of the season, but rather the end for me and I tempo on grass 3-4 times/week and between 1500-2500 m), the third option seem more possible; however, as I really don’t feel I have changed anything in my technique, could this be caused simply by the new spikes? (track sessions twice/week).
As the term is too vague, the following conditions could be included: stress fractures of the tibia or fibula, inflammation on the outer side of the ankle (peroneal tendinitis), increased pressure within the muscle compartments -which I used to have and now it doesn’t feel the same at all- and inflammation of the membrane covering the tibia (medial tibial stress syndrome).
In all of these conditions, the irritation and pain spreads and continues throughout activity -in my case, it feels less as session goes by and it’s worse when I start (e.g., in the first few strides especially on spikes); unless it just feels this way as I get warmed up…
The symptoms stop when activity ceases, but the leg usually remains tender to the touch -in my case, it doesn’t necessarily stop when activity ends, although it’s not painful, but more of an irritation and this not all the time. Also, I can feel it on touch, but I am not jumping up; I can easily touch the bones and “rub” them -not as treatment, of course…
Treatment depends on the precise cause, but usually includes a long period of rest, ice treatment, anti-inflammatory medication and stretching exercises. From these I am doing the last two, although I started anti-inflammatories only today…
Sorry for the length, but I just tried to pass on as much info as possible!
Thanks for any replies/suggestions!