Power cleans

your young you have big hormonal advantage and supple flexible joints and tendons :slight_smile:

if your perfomance goes backward or has plateaued then yeah your CNS is overeaching.

Its different for everyone, but your pretty light so your joints aren’t likely to get the same impact that a 200+lb person would have.

great, so the danger for someone of my stature is minimal.

BTW, about my being so light. My squat, bench, and other lifts go up, and my times have gone drastically down (4.9-5.1 40y last year at this time, now 4.6-4.7 with the same timer) but I don’t gain weight. Do you think that if I keep getting stronger and faster and more muscular that I should worry about not being able to gain weight, or is more strength with little weight a blessing?

Count this as a blessing!
It just means your muscles have to do less work. Your just nuerally effecient.

It’s all about the results that count :slight_smile: