Polamalu Training Clip


Well, it was interesting, but I don’t necessarily agree with all that was discussed. No free weights, at all? Come on…

I agree with the “getting the muscles to fire faster” stuff, but something’s rotten in Denmark here!

Hasn’t he been doing crap workouts the last few of his injury plagued years? Different from what he did after USC and presumably earlier in his career?

I think his main problem is that he did free weights in the past and then completely moved to plyos and mbs. While the stimulation from the free weights remained for a while, the more time he was removed from that type of training the worse his capacities became. He has mostly been getting rfd stimulation but not high force stim. that the weights would likely provide.

You are correct, I posted about polamalu training awhile ago. He need to go back to the usc training then the injuries wouldnt be a problem.

Agreed. Didn’t he squat 600 and bench 400 at sc? I don’t know how legit the lifts were performed, but nevertheless, he was one strong dude at sc.

I see so many guys that once they reach pro they get lazy with there training and want to try all the gimmicks (reggie bush), the great ones stay with the basics (Barry sanders/Joey Galloway etc).

Good point. Reggie Bush does some of the most ridiculous garbage I have ever seen. Nobody wants to just lift heavy ass shit.

Out of curiousity what insight do you have regarding Joey Galloway’s training?

same shit he did in college, 2 speed/jump days (one long, one short) heavy lifts - hc/sq/bp/lunges etc.

Reggie is more interested in kim kardashian’s ass than ball. Can’t say I blame him. If he ain’t careful he’s gonna fee flo doe his ass out of the nfl though.

And I also don’t understand the, “I’m a big bad baller so I’m gonna do some gimmick standing on a swiss ball training.”

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