Pmoax's 400/800 Training

Merry Christmas my man. And my track was nearly dried up too and the grass was soggy as hell so I just stayed on the track lol.

Friday 12/26
Dynamic Warm Up
6X80m Hills
notes: Hills were good, it feels like I am lacking power between 20m-60m though. My friend Kevin was doing them with me, he will do big things this year in the 100m and 200m.

Dynamic Warm Up
4X3 Vertimax with 4 cords @5:5
1X3 Snatch @30kg
1X3 Snatch @40kg
3X1 Snatch @50kg
6X3 Squats @90kg
3X3 SGRDL’s @60kg
3X1 Snatch Low Pulls @60kg
2X8 Hamstring Bridge off second lowest box
2X12 Hanging Knee Raise
2X10 Reverse Crunch
notes: Felt good, I am glad I am doing more core this year.

Saturday 12/27
Dynamic Warm Up
6X300m (41,44,45,45,46,45) with 2:15 recovery
notes: Did the workout with my friend from the UNC Track team, he went out too hard and pulled me through the first one much too fast. Was supposed to do 8 but it was becoming too intensive rather than extensive.

5 Min Bike
3X3 Bench Press @155lbs
3X5 Chest Supported Row @70lbs
2X8 Dips
2X8 Pull-UPs
2X8 Tricep Pressdowns @45lbs
2X8 Hammer Rope Curls @45lbs

Sunday 12/28
500m of Swiming with pull bouy

Monday 12/29
Dynamic Warm Up
6X20m with Sled
4X3 Vertimax with 4 cords @5:5
3X 3 Hop Plus Chest Pass with 2kg Med Ball
1X3 Snatch @30kg
2X3 Snatch @40kg
2X1 Snatch @50kg
3X1 Snatch @60kg :slight_smile:
6X3 Squat @90kg
3X3 SGRDL’s @60kg
2X3 OH Squat @50kg
3X12 Hanging Knee Raises
Chiropractic Adjustment of SI Joint
notes: Big thanks goes out today to Coach Scott for helping me with my snatch’s, I’m now starting with my hips higher (they were too low) helping develop more power output. Also thanks to Coach Jason for giving me an adjustment.

Thanks for the tips bro. Keep staying strong. Your 300 would get you to States in NY. The fastest brother here does 36 and change.

And Im planning on adding 2 or 3 more post chain exercises besides the RDLs. What else can I add? I have Hypers for one.

Tuesday 12/30
Dynamic Warm Up
10X200m@30s with 2:00 Recovery
notes: Had to do it on the track because the grass was too wet :frowning:

Wednesday 12/31
Dynamic Warm Up
Hills: (200+150), 6 minutes (200+150), 10 minutes(200+150), 8 minutes (200)
All @7s pace per 50m, so the 200’s were done in 28 and the 150’s in 21. 70 seconds between reps.

Late Afternoon:
Dynamic Warm Up
4X3 Vertimax with 4 cords @5:5
2X3 Cleans @40kg,50kg
3X1 Cleans @55kg
(1,1,1,Fail) Cleans @60kg,70kg,80kg,90kg
6X3 Squats @90kg
3X3 SGRDL’s @60kg
2X3 OH Squat @30kg, 40kg
3X12 Hanging Knee Raise
2X10 Draw-In Crunch
15X 10/50 Russian Hamstring Stim, frequency @100, 1/2 sec ramp time

notes: Legs felt ishy when I woke up, probably because I had to do tempo on the track instead of grass yesterday.

Thursday 1/1
Dynamic Warm Up
18X100m @15s with 45s recovery

Do you live close to Univ North Carolina?

Yes I live 15 minutes from UNC, NC State, and NC Central and about 20 minutes from Duke and St. Augustines.

Friday 1/2
Dynamic Warm Up
6X5 30’ reactive hurdle hops followed by 20 accel
4X3 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
8X1 Box Jumps, worked up to 60 inch jump, did that twice
1X3 Snatch @30kg
1X3 Snatch @40kg
4X1 Snatch @50kg,60kg,60kg,60kg
4XFailed Snatch @70kg
6X3 Squat @90kg
1X3 SG Pull @60kg
2X3 SGRDL’s @60kg
2X10 Hanging Knee Raises
1X10 Draw-In Crunch
15 Minutes Russian Stim 10/50, frequency @100, 1 sec ramp time
notes: I tried for a new pr in the snatch today but did not quite get it. Stim was a little better with the longer ramp time.

Saturday is my last day of the current mesocycle. Next week will be a deload week and I will run Indiana Open on Saturday. Probably going to run the 400 and 200. I think I am in shape to go 49 low and 22 low. So hopefully two US#1 times. The next weekend I might be able to get into the Penn State Meet and run two more US#1’s in the 500 and 600. I have also decided to scrap any plans for a double peak and set my goals on USATF Junior Nationals… probably in the 400.

I will be at the UNC meet next sat.

Saturday 1/3
Dynamic Warm Up
9X300m @48s with 2:24s Recovery
4X30m Block Starts
notes: Felt good, I am gaining quite a bit of capacity compared to last season.

5 Min Bike Warm Up
3X5 Bench Press @135lbs
3X5 Chest Supported Row @90lbs
2X8 Dips
2X8 Pull-Ups
2X8 Tricep Rope Pressdowns @50lbs
2X8 Hammer Rope Curls @50lbs
2X10 Two Way Shoulder Series @12lbs
2X12 Back Extensions
2X10 Double Crunch on Machine @55lbs

Sunday 1/4

Training looks great–best of luck!

Monday 1/5
Dynamic Warm Up
2X250m Hill in 36s with 6 minute recovery
1X100m Hill in 13s

Dynamic Warm Up
3,3,3 Snatch @30kg,35kg,40kg
3X5 Squats @70kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @40kg
2X10 Hanging Knee Raises
notes: deload this week

Tuesday 1/6
Dynamic Warm Up
2X200m @24,25 with 3 Minute Recovery
8X100m @12-13s
notes: faster, lower volume, tempo. was going to do 6x200m but I was going to have to strain too much to run the needed times. Felt good though when I was done.

Good luck! and be carefull because the turns are pretty sharp. I’m sure everyone says that about ever flat indoor track but they really are a pain.