Pmoax's 400/800 Training

Have you had this before or do you think it could be a result of the big jump in mileage?

Friday 10/9
Dynamic Warm Up
25 Minute Sauna
Iced my Knee/Quad

Ultrasound on Knee/Quad
30 Minute Sauna
2 Minute Ice Bath
notes: Taking today and the weekend off so my injury can heal…

Volume for Day: 0
Volume for Week: 13 Miles

Saturday 10/10

Volume for Day: 0 Miles
Volume for Week 13 Miles

Sunday 10/11

Volume for Day: 0 Miles
Volume for Week: 13 Miles

I have not had this before, it may be due to the big jump but I feel that I eased into it decently. It may be due to the shoes I have been wearing for training.

I’ve been going through a similar vein. I had never done more than 20-25 a week before this summer/season and we are pushing mid-high 50s now.

I’ve had some freak injuries though, 2 sprained ankles and a weird nerve issue with my knee.

Good luck with healing up. I’m very interested to see how you will perform this season.

Monday 10/12
Dynamic Warm Up
6 Badger Miles
6 Easy Strides
notes: It felt great to run without any pain today. I am glad I took those days off.

1X3 Snatch @95lbs
1X3 Snatch Low Pull @135lbs
1X3 Snatch @95lbs
5X5 Squat @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
2X10 Reverse Hypers @50lbs

Volume for Day: 6 Miles
Volume for Week: 6 Miles

Tuesday 10/13
Dynamic Warm Up
6 Badger Miles
6X100m Strides
15 Minute Deep Tissue on Hams and IT Bands
15 Minute Sauna
4 Minute Ice Bath
notes: I felt my knee today on my run, it didn’t hurt but I could feel tightness and upon examination after my run some tissue was clumped up on the top medial side of my knee.

Volume for Day: 6 Miles
Volume for Week: 12 Miles

Wednesday 10/14
Dynamic Warm Up
Run to Hill
Hills: (60, 1:46, 60, 1:45, 61, 65, 57, 57, 59, 61) 2:15 after short hills and 1:30 after long hills
Cool Down
notes: Felt really good, I felt like I truley did not pound myself into the ground.

3X3 Snatch @95lbs
5X5 Squat @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
2X10 Reverse Hypers @50lbs
3X15 Hanging Knee Raises
15 Minute Sauna
3 Minute Ice Bath

Volume for Day: 7 Miles
Volume for Week: 19 Miles

Thursday 10/15
Dynamic Warm Up
8 Badger Miles
6X100yd Strides with 60s recovery
15 Minute Deep Tissue on Glutes and Hams
15 Minute Sauna
2:30 Ice Bath
10 Minute Sauna
1 Minute Ice Bath
notes: Felt good, both knees where a bit tight in the cold.

Volume for Day: 8 Miles
Volume for Week: 27 Miles

Friday 10/16
Badger Warm Up
4X1600m @(5:19, 5:24, 5:39, 5:33) with recoveries of (3:09, 1:32, 2:34)
Badger Cool Down
notes: We did today at the XC course in flats, I got less recovery than most because I started the repeats later. Overall I am satisfied but there is room for improvement.

Volume for Day: 8 Miles
Volume for Week: 35 Miles

Saturday 10/17
10 Min Stationary Bike
Dynamic Warm Up
5X5 Squats @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
2X10 Physioball Hamstring Curls
2X12 Decline Sit Ups
2X12 Back Extensions
notes: Didn’t run today because I felt some tightness coming back in my knee. The weights went well, I need to do the physioball hamstring curls more as my form has gotten pretty bad since I used to do them.

Volume for Day: 0 Miles
Volume for Week: 35 Miles

Sunday 10/18
Dynamic Warm Up
10 Badger Miles
notes: Good solid run, we hit a very decent pace on the run.

Volume for Day: 10 Miles
Volume for Week: 45 Miles

Monday 10/19
Short Dynamic Warm Up
4 Mile Warm Up
7X200m @~27 with between 1:30 and 2:00 recovery
1 Mile Cool Down
1X3 Clean @95lbs
3X1 Clean @135lbs
5X5 Squat @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
12 Minute Sauna
Iced My Knee/Quad
notes: My warm up felt like crap today, but durring the 200’s they felt great. It was 60 degrees so our coach let us open it up a little bit but not too much.

Volume for Day: 6 Miles
Volume for Week: 6 Miles

Tuesday 10/20
5 Minutes Stationary Bike
Dynamic Warm Up

15 Minute Deep Tissue on Glutes and Hams
Dynamic Warm Up
10X100m @15s with 60s recovery on field turf
Cool Down
Notes: Took today as a low impact day to save the joints for tomorow.

Volume for Day: 3 Miles
Volume for Week: 9 Miles

Wednesday 10/21
Dynamic Warm Up
Warm Up Miles
6X400m @74,75,73,72,72,72 with 30s recovery
Cool Down Jog
notes: Did 4’s with the distance group which is daunting if anyone knows how good Wisco distance is :slight_smile:

3,3,3 Snatch @65lbs, 85lbs, 105lbs
5X5 Squats @185lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
2X10 Reverse Hypers @50lbs
2X10 1 Leg Hamstring Bucks
2X10 Hanging Knee Raises

Volume for Day: 6 Miles
Volume for Week: 15 Miles

Thursday 10/22
5 Badger Miles
15 Minute Deep Tissue on Hams and Glutes
30 Minute Sauna
Iced my quad/knee
notes: quad issue is still coming back on my runs making it very frustrating to train

Volume for Day: 5 Miles
Volume for Week: 20 Miles

Friday 10/23
Dynamic Warm Up
6X100m EASY strides on field turf
15 Minute Sauna
3 Minute Ice Bath
notes: Didn’t want to even bother with the quad today so I just kept it real easy before the 5k tomorow.

Volume for Day: 0 Miles
Volume for Week: 20 Miles

Saturday 10/24
3 Mile Warm Up
5km @18:03 (5:22, 5:44, 6:56)
notes: My knee felt great the first two miles and then it really started to hurt badly. It was probably the worst after the race where I had trouble walking over to the car, it was excrutiating.

Volume for Day: 7 Miles
Volume for Week: 27 Miles

Sunday 10/25
Dynamic Warm Up
10X100m Barefoot Strides on Turf in 13-14 with 60s recovery
15 Minutes Stationary Bike
notes: Kept it low impact even though I probably could have run today…

Volume for Day: 0 Miles
Volume for Week: 27 Miles