Pmoax's 400/800 Training

Saturday 8/15
Dynamic Warm Up
10km run in 41:44 (20:46 and 20:57 5km splits)
notes: Good run!

Sunday 8/16
Dynamic Warm Up
10km run in 43:37 (21:42 and 21:55)
notes: Took it a bit easier today

Monday 8/17
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 47:20
notes: Ran with my friend Mattias so it was a bit slower

Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Vertimax with 4 Cords @5:5
5X5 Squats @70kg
5X5 CGRDL’s @40kg
2X10 Glute Ham Raise
2X10 Hanging Knee Raise

Tuesday 8/18
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 42:57 (21:38 and 21:19)
notes: Good solid run.

Dynamic Warm Up
6X100m @15s on grass with 60s recoveries
notes: Some light tempo to get the legs churning, felt like crap after the 2nd one but felt great at the end. I think my hear rate was in the 190s after the 2nd one but drop down to where it should have been by number 4.

Wednesday 8/19
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 43:56 (22:04 and 21:52)

Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
5X5 Squats @70kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @50kg
2X10 Glute Ham Raises

Thursday 9/20
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 42:56 (21:19 and 21:22)
notes: Felt solid.

Friday 9/21
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 42:58 (21:38 and 21:20)
notes: Found my gloves and saved a turtle, a good day for all. Oh yea and I had a good run.

Saturday 8/22
Dynamic Warm Up
15km Run in 65:56
notes: Beastly long run!!!

Dynamic Warm Up
5X5 Squats @70kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @50kg
2X10 Glute Ham Raise
notes: Has to cut the session short to make it home in time for dinner.

Sunday 8/23
Dynamic Warm Up
5km Run in 23:50
notes: Bad run, blisters and a hole in my shoe made the run miserable.

Dynamic Warm Up
5km Run in 22:36
notes: Better than the early morning run, but I am afraid I will have to get rid of my current pair of running shoes and go back to an old pair. There is hole in the forefoot that makes landing on rocks very painful…

Monday 8/24
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 42:31 (21:04 and 21:27)
notes: Good run, wore a pair of old shoes that are extra beefy to let the ball of my foot rest from all the painful rock strikes.

Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @5:5
5X5 Squasts @70kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @50kg
2X10 Glute Ham Raises
1X10 Partner Assisted Leg Throws

Tuesday 8/25
Dynamic Warm Up
5km Run in 19:50
notes: Good crisp run, made it short and fast because I had to catch a flight to Wisconsin for college.

Wednesday 8/26
Dynamic Warm Up
7km Run in 29:30
notes: First run in Wisconsin

Thursday 8/27
2 Mile Bike
Dynamic Warm Up
1X1600m @5:14
3 Minute Recovery
1X1200m @3:54
2 Mile Bike
notes: Not really what I was looking for.

Dynamic Warm Up
2X3 Squats @111kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @70kg
3X12 Back Extensions
3X15 Decline Sit Ups
3X12 Hanging Knee Raises

Friday 8/28
4 Mile Run in 28:00

Saturday 8/29
10 Min Bike Warm Up
3X3 Squats @225lbs
3X5 CGRDL’s @135lbs
3X12 Back Extensions
3X12 Decline Sit Ups

Late Afternoon:
7 Badger Miles

Sunday 8/30
Dynamic Warm Up
7.5km Run in 32:00

Monday 8/31
6 Mile Run in 39:45
5X300m @55s with 20s recovery
~1 Mile Cool Down
notes: Ran with the xc guys today it was fun, and I was surprised at how well I kept up with them. We hit some stuff on the track that was slightly quick but with very short recovery

Volume for Day: 8 Miles
Volume for Week: 8 Miles

Tuesday 9/1
7.75 Mile Run in 50:01
notes: Not feeling so well, I think I am getting a bit of a cold.

Volume For Day: 7.75 Miles
Volume For Week: 15.75 Miles

why have u gone from Km’s to miles?
Cold hey - might need a De-load wk? Get into the good food and vitamins.

Is Mark Guthrie going to be training you in Madison, or will you be with a different group? If you’re with Guthrie, I’m assuming you’ll have Andrew Rock to work with in practice.