Pmoax's 400/800 Training

Tuesday 6/30
Dynamic Warm Up
5km Run in 22:05

Damn, that’s a fast 5k.

oops, went back and edited it.

Wednesday 7/1
Dynamic Warm Up
2X300m+80,60,40 (35.5, 36.4) full between sets and 30s between reps
1X200m @23.8
notes: Felt good going into the workout but did not do very well. I caught a cramp on the third one thats why it was only a 200m… need to improve my Special Endurance II

Re Warm
3X5 Squats @50kg
3X3 CGRDL’s @40kg
1X6 Hamstring Bucks
3X12 Hanging Knee Raises

Thursday 7/2
Dynamic Warm Up
6km Run in 23:42

Friday 7/3
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 41:47

Dynamic Warm Up
10X100m @14s with 56s recovery on grass barefoot, in the dark
notes: Gotta love nocturnal running on the football field :slight_smile:

Hey Pmoax, I’ve been following your training journal, congrats on your big PR in the 400! Keep up the great work, its nice to see your season really coming together.

Thanks man, and yea is very nice to see things finally coming toghether.

Saturday 7/4
Dynamic Warm Up
4X250m @(29.9, 28.5, 29.2, 30.0) with 10, 12, and 18 minute recoveries
notes: Felt heavy, especially in my arms, had trouble developing a rhythm

Dynamic Warm Up
3X3 Squats @50kg
2X5 SGRDL’s @30kg
2X12 Hanging Knee Raises
10 Reps of 10 second contractions of russian stim on glutes
notes: Taking it real easy on the weighs to give my body a chance to adapt to the SEII work.

Sunday 7/5
Dynamic Warm Up
10km in 43:17

Monday 7/6
Dynamic Warm Up
600m @1:24.8
16 Minutes
600m @1:23.9
16 Minutes
200m @25
2 Minutes
200m @26

Dynamic Warm Up
3X5 Squats @50kg
3X5 SGRDL’s @30kg
2X10 One Leg Hamstring Bucks of 8’’ box
2X12 Hanging Knee Raises
2X12 Side Twists with 4kg Ball
2X10 Leg Throws
2X12 Slow Bicycle Crunches

Tuesday 7/7
Dynamic Warm Up
4X300m @ 41,41,42,42 with 3 Minute Recoveries

75 Minute Deep Tissue Massage on Glutes, Hams, and Calves

Wednesday 7/8
5km Run in 21:37

Thursday 7/9
Dynamic Warm Up
5km Run in 20:30

Friday 7/10
Drumroll please… Off

Saturday 7/11
Triangle Champions Track Meet
400m: 49.81e
200m: 22.99e

notes: ehh not what I was looking for from this meet…

Sunday 7/12
Dynamic Warm Up
5km Run in 21:41

Monday 7/13
Dynamic Warm Up
3X300m @ (35.8, 35.9, 36.2) with 12 minute recoveries
notes: My SEII is still pitiful and needs to improve…

Dynamic Warm Up
3X3 Snatch @30kg
3X3 Squat @70kg
3X10 1-Leg Hamstring Buck off 12’’ box
3X12 Hanging Knee Raises

Tuesday 7/14
Dynamic Warm Up
10km Run in 42:47

30 Minutes Deep Tissue on Hams and Glutes
Dynamic Warm Up
200-400-600-400-200 with 5 minute recoveries (29, 60, 1:30, 60, 28)
2X100m Hard Strides on Grass with 60s recovery
notes: Felt solid today, got some deep tissue before the tempo with no adverse effects. I am encouraged by the fact that I can cruise a 1:30 pretty easily.

Wednesay 7/15
Dynamic Warm Up
10km in 44:26