Plantar Fasciitis

Are your arches when you massage them, feel like there are bubbles in your feet? If so, then you must massage like crazy till the bubbles are gone, may take awhile? Also, Limit sprinting to max once per wk and lots and lots of slow tempo work in joggers. No need to take time off, you will just get sore from other things when you try to get back into the swing of things! Massage them bubbles out and slow tempo, maybe try arch supports in your everyday shoes, not your training shoes, just what you where for the most part of the day. Tell a runner to have time off, and all the other info you told him, he will think is rubbish! It worked for me, and the feet were very darn sore. Now fine, but still need the mantainance.

Thanks guys,
I’m seeing a paediotrist on monday. The foot is not getting better. I haven’t trained on it for 8 weeks now. I tried training (Light jogging, tempo) last friday and could barely get above a jog. Too painful so went home and iced. Was sore the next day. It doesn’t feel like ist is any better than when I first stopped running all that time ago. But, hopefully the speciallist will be able to help me beginning this monday. Have been able to keep the strength training going in the gym so that is a bonus, will need lots of general prep stuff when I come back as I feel that I’ve already lost my conditioning.

Will let you guys know how I go, thanks for the responses,


you could probably benefit heaps from letting someone start to massage your calves :wink:

feet massage is good too!

Yes you’re prob right brad, I think I’m way overdue for a full body deep tissue smashing!!! Always come good after that, prob is finding someone to do it!!


Give us a call slack ass!!! :smiley:

ha ha will do :cool:

Aprotinin injections and prolotherapy are other possible options for you, Justin.