Well, it wasn’t necessarily for her but you definitely bring up a good point re: training age. I think you can have different definitions for training age as well. My daughter for example has “trained” for injury prevention since age 8. Over the years that training focus has not shifted to but has incorporated a more direct performance enhancement component as well. Her warmup has changed over the years as well and varies according to the activity that she is preparing for. Ankle, hip, and tspine mobility are always part of the warmup. Various shoulder mobility movements and multiderctional squats and lunges are included. Arm action has always been a part but it has taken sprinting on the track to appreciate its importance. A skips and power skips have been the primary linear drills that she has used in the warm up. She’s done hill sprint at differnt times through the years. Med balls have been used also but we will probably emphasize it more. She’s done quite a bit of lifting doing a pretty good variety of lifts. She hasn’t done much benching for various reasons but we might start doing some. She hasn’t done much cleaning and don’t anticipate her doing any. The closest she has done is high pulls and jumps with barbell in her hands. I say all that to say that although she has never run track or practiced for track I would not say her training age is 0 but I wouldn’t say it was 8 either.