Pelvic tilt - Hamstring issues

I was wondering if an anterior pelvic tilt (slight swayback) make you more susceptible to hamstring pulls? And if so, why?

i have anterior pelvic tilt, and it makes the hamstrings tight, since the glutes dont fire properly the hamstrings take over alot of the load. The hip flexor is short and is tight as well, erector spine is flexed because of the swayback.

Hey I´ve heard that I got a similar problem. I don´t know in what direction the pelvic is tiliting but I first pulled my left hammie in early May this year and I got back and did just two races this summer one in late June and one i early Sep. In Sep I didn´t feel a thing but when the traning started again I started to feel some pain again.
About 6 weeks ago I pulled the right hammie but just slight. I got back quite quick but the maybe two weeks ago the issue with the right one returned when I did some faster sprints(tryed 90-93% for the first time this fall) To day I can not do strides with out feeling some pain.
This is starting to piss me off (sorry for the language) because I´ve been injured one and off for the last 3 years(only two comps:( )…So my question is: Should just do rehab for the hammies? Or should I get stronger in the back? Why I´m asking is that when I do lower back exercies it feels like only one side of the back is working and insted of getting stronger maybe in getting more unbalanced. I also see that the left glut is alot bigger then the right.
Any thoughts would be wonderful.
Thanks Erik

check your quads…

Okey, what could be the case? Is it just streching or what else should I check? Thx Erik

Quads are only a point of attention, check TFL, gluteus medium too.
Check…means: use stretching, foam roller, ems, massage, pressure points with tennis ball…and other!
too much strong/short quads cause ant. pelivc tilt, tension in the low back, incapacity of full contraction of the hams (and injuries), knee pain and crazy muscles involvment during hip flexion :smiley: