
Yeah I know…I’m posting a lot of threads lately, but I’m in a frnezy for information. What are possible causes for over-pronation? I’ve read one cause to be tight hips, and I definitely have tight hips without a doubt. Eveen photo-analysis of one of my sprints from a few guys here led to that realization.

But yeah what are possible causes for overpronation?

Interesting question, my girlfriend has this problem. It would be interesting to hear more.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but pronation is a combination eversion and plantar flexion/calf extension (or dorsi-flexion). Hip mobility is an issue, as well as specific weakness in posterior tibialis and peroneus longus (ankle stabilizers). I believe there were some drills displayed in the Jane Project DVD that are very helpful. I’ve played with having athletes stabilize half the ankle with ground contact and the other half without (sagital plane) using a step.

Normally, an isolation and integration approach works best. Gray Cook said it and many have repeated it:

Joint function typically follows a basic pattern (if over-simplified) as:
1-Ankle Mobility
2-Knee Stability
3-Hip Mobility
4-Lumbar Stability
5-Scapulo-Thoracic Mobility
6-Glenohumeral Stability (?-Arguable)
7-Thoracic Mobility
8-Cervical Stability

This relates mostly to trained function as the hips tend to tighten up (the shoulders as well), so training these joints specific to these functions is a basic approach to restoring function. Charlie’s sprint model indirectly follows this model regarding transfer of force to the ground in the sprints (this is basic biomechanics in true function).

Daniel, can you elaborate more on how one would develop these mobilities and stabilities using an isolation and integration approach?

Oh yeah, I’ve noticed a lot of people walk with their feet/toes angled outwards, while I walk with my feet pointed straight ahead. Would this indicate a tightness/weakness anywhere, or is it just an acceptable variation?

It’s more about what’s going on in relation to the wear pattern on the shoe. If your feet are pointed straight, but you’re wearing out the inside of the shoes (pronation) it’s worth taking a look at tightness/weakness (which would present itself in lack of mobility/stability [specific-weakness related to control]).

As far as isolation, integration I hope this helps you visualize it:
Ankle Development
Isolation - Static Stretching, Ankle Self-Mobilization Techniques (active-passive and contract-relax techniques to increase Active ROM to the ankle), Tennis ball rolling on the bottom of the foot, Single-Leg Stability (as described earlier; splitting the foot and training stability to each side)

Integration - Single Leg Squat Patterns (Pistol Style, Multi-Planar but emphasizing the sagittal plane early on), Peterson Step-Ups, Barefoot Warm-Ups (with good surface)

“but pronation is a combination eversion and plantar flexion/calf extension (or dorsi-flexion)”

I’m having trouble understanding this. Aren’t dorsi flexion and calf extension opposite movements? How could they both cause pronation?

It would be defined by the resting position, not active motion.

I can’t seem to remember if pronation is “caved in” which would be eccentric and in a dorsi-flexed position or “pushed in” which would be extension. It’s probably both.

I don’t stay on top of my joint motion sometimes because the language doesn’t translate well to my athletes. Any help?

Looked it up in notes. Flexion with eversion.

Supination is extension with inversion.

When your feet point outwards - what would this indicate? A problem or not?

Thanks, makes sense now