Out of blocks in 2nd gear

Yes its outdoors…
I could run 300m to get a time, so if its AFTER the more important 60m i’ll do it !
there are dudes in here running 10.5 with a 6.9-7.0 60m PR.
how strange is that ?

BTW all of my start problems seemed to disappear when i set the block pads all the way back…

Assuming both times are FAT, they probably weren’t in 6.9-7.0 shape when they ran 10.5. Tyson’s 60m pr is like 6.5, but that doesn’t really reflect on what he could run in his best condition (he has split 6.3high or 6.4very low if I recall).

You mean you have an audience ???:smiley:

So how’d you do?

Hehe you had to ask huh …
I did really bad :slight_smile: was kinda depressed for a couple of days but my buddies helped me go back on line and i’ll kill it next time.

Times do not matter because of several reasons…

but when the starter said SET i was SHAKING LIKE HELL, oh my god, that was so exciting… never felt this way before. I think I love it

Anyway i’ll have like a million meets this year, theres another one at the end of this month.

I know how you feel. I am new to the T+F world and have only done a few meets… very nerve racking but an awesome experience. Keep working hard and you’ll improve for sure. Meet experience alone will help in this regard as well.

yea i can see how experience is important here…
when i raised my head and got out of the drive phase i saw this guy leaving dust on me, instead of focusing on my run i started to try and catch him so i lost all of my technique and the shittiest thing i felt during the run was -i believe you guys call it heel recovery. my legs kicked back so hard … this has never happened to me in training… even when im tired.

I also looked like an idiot running with a wifebeater and long tights… i gotta get myself a nice speedsuit so i can feel like a pro, but the only ones i can find are those ugly nike blank ones from eastbay or USATF unitard which looks amazing (red and blue) but how stupid is that to wear something like that with my times

Are your results on here: http://www.iaa.co.il/ ?

What was your time? Did you get to run any other races?d

Experience definitely helps and you can probably drop at least a tenth or two after some more races and experience.

As far as attire, where what you want and forget the rest–it won’t matter anyway. What you could do is just get a tight shirt and shorts (under armour type) and that can usually look pretty good without having to get a plain speedsuit. Custom speed suits are quite expensive, but jltrack.com has them. It would cost you a lot to have that custom made then shipped–probably not worth it.

If your getting really crappy starts in meets and you have multiple rounds… instead of trying to be powerful, go 100% for reaction. Just try and be the first one out. It can work magic with your start. Sometimes concentrating solely on the reaction and forsaking everything else is the key. Try and experiment in meets. Thats the only advice I have for you. One simple change can go a long way at the start. Just my opinion. Good luck. Keep running meets.

thats sounds good, doc sprint. i can imagine how it can work well. thanks

Off topic small question… should I beware of coaches who basically lay out an A4 paper with drills on the table every day and tell you to execute ?
I know coaches arent supposed to be psychologists … but they ARE supposed to show that they care about you … i can figure out what to do by myself to some extent.

The same coach that told me i wont go sub 11 and that i started too late to be good now offered me his services for free. he came to me and said i can start monday.

I dont care about how he trains (which is nothing like CF or JS) i guess at my level anything will work so thats not my problem.

It’s more the mental aspect, ive trained with poeple like that all my life, they dont really give a fuck about you, they are not the ones that will talk to you when u need them… in fact i tried talking to him because i was nervous before my first meet and he was like “ahh leave me alone stop asking me questions go run if u want and find out”

I don’t know if i should go train with him…
But hey, i dont know, thats just what my experience with basketball tells me to do… do you think im wrong?

I wish more coaches read Speed Trap… it really shows how Charlie was like family to Ben, and the rest of the team.
I could actually make a movie out of that book :slight_smile:

Meanwhile im doing great its just that if im going to commit to a program and to a coach i wanna know that he will give me more than a workout sheet-and i will give him and the sport- my life… sprint science isnt a secret anyway. takes a bit more than that to be great imo.

:d :d :d :d :d

The guy sounds like a prick. Sometimes though you have to suck it up and go with him. Who else has he coached? How are his other athletes doing,what are they doing for training. You might wanna hang with him a bit untill you fully understand whats going on, plus you will have people to train with right? Whens your next meet?

i have a meet next week- i hope ! it says invitational but doesnt say the events… but there gotta be a sprint in there so ill do it.

Anyway his best athlete (now 21 years old) has been training with him since he was 13. he is now doing 10.90, 21.99 and 47.60. he has 2-3 more 17 year olds that are running 11.5. and his other older 100m sprinter (now 25) runs 10.9-11.1

what are they doing in prac u ask? i rarely see them do speed work or anything above 50-60%, even now when the outdoor is about to start… i dont see any speed work coming anytime soon… mostly physical therapy drills, medball drills, and tempo (like 8x300m)
They don’t do weights… i told him i power clean once and he said its unhealthy, and that squats are dangerous.

He also said me stuff like " i can teach my athletes how to have long stride using technique only, we dont need all that strength of yours "

And- |"u gotta raise your body completely after 15 meters "
i dont know if thats true, but it just dont feel right to raise totally after 15m…
also about “you will have people to train with” he never does competitions in training like u see on hsi so thats not true unless ur talking about throwing a medball with a training partner :slight_smile:

I have 2 choices before me
its either this guy for free, or buy the entire CF store, all books and DVD’s and try to get a basic idea what the best athletes in the world are doing and just adjust from there to fit my current level.
I can take about 250m of speed work X3 week+powerlifting easly, with great recovery in between even with very little tempo (once a week)
at my weight, there are a few things you cant do.

  1. run anything over 100m
  2. do too much tempo- my shins might split, lol

what u guys think?

You obviously don’t like his training philosophy or the way he coaches, so I don’t see why you should waste your time with it. Even if he was the best coach in the world, if you don’t buy into the program or coaching style, it isn’t going to help you much. I’d be careful making too many assumptions though.

You don’t need to buy every product in this site’s store to make a good plan. You could probably get all you need in a couple products and reading everything on the site. Look at the training plans other people have implemented or used and address your own needs.

What do you suggest ? I read a few bits of CFTS and i got the feeling it tells you the technical stuff you need to know to go sub 10 from a 10.2 or something :slight_smile: very advanced book. anything more practical to slower sprinters ?

I would read more than a few bits, perhaps the entire book. I think it gives you a lot more information than how to go 10.2 to sub 10, but that’s just me. If you are asking about other products, Vanc. dvd has basically everything you could need and if you added the GPP dvd you would have a basic plan (that must be modified) for you. You can also read around the forum as I feel that is probably the best source of information before you get into the rest. Plenty of coaches have posted a lot of good info here.