Our latest movie titled “Fundamentals of Speed and Strength, Part One” in DVD format will be shipping within a few days.
We hope you enjoy what promises to be our most exciting series to date.
Our latest movie titled “Fundamentals of Speed and Strength, Part One” in DVD format will be shipping within a few days.
We hope you enjoy what promises to be our most exciting series to date.
How much does it cost and what does it cover?
Cost is $259.99 and covers everything.
Kidding…the price is $49.99USD and covers alot. I’ll be posting an official summary and maybe even a few video downloads shortly.
As the first DVD in the Fundamentals series, this DVD is more geared towards the athlete although coaches will find it useful to get a better understanding of CF protocols.
This series is slated to run 10 disks. We hope you enjoy the materials.