On the Movie theme ... Animatrix ...

Following on Ruperts Movie theme …

Anyone who has seen the Animatrix will have no doubt seen the sprinter chapter …
Opinions ?
… or maybe - some of you have experienced the Matrix while training?


Yeah I saw that. Awesome cartoon, the animation was great. I haven’t seen all the cartoons on the animatrix yet but it’s definently worth buying, there is some really good unique animation there. Kid’s story and the detective story were sweet. I disliked the The Second Renaissance, it was really stupid.

Much of the attraction of the Matrix movies to young audiences comes from appealing to the subcultures who are not athletes: be it the computer nerds, drug users, kids who don’t fit in, or just everybody else who feels that they are in some way special, though it may not be physically. So it wasn’t surprising to hear the maker of the sprinter cartoon talk about how most people leave the Matrix through a mentality, but some dumb jocks accidentally leave it through a physical means, although they can’t cope with it or really understand it. Obviously he felt that mental and physical development conflict and that the special people were superior to those that happened to be bestowed with great athletic gifts. I think this is a stupid view, but I didn’t get to upset about it and still enjoyed the cartoon.