On the Grind: My Endless Pursuit of Athletic Aspiration

I was planning on running 3 x 300m w/ 6min rest at 48-50sec, but after the second one I tweaked my right hamstring. I’m going to forget about competing and rest as long as needed for this hamstring to get better. I’d have to blame this on being inconsistent in the weight room and with therapy over the past 2 weeks.

Was this a tempo or Spec End session? Guess I won’t see you at the meet July 4. :slight_smile:

It was just a regular tempo session. I wasn’t trying to run fast or anything. How is your hammy?

No need to do long tempo now, you are trying to get better each meet. The longer tempo should have been done weeks ago, stick with shorter tempo work ex: 10x100 or 2x5x100 with 30sec rest. Hamstring is feeling better, I have been ems three times per day with ice.

Sat-Mon: Rest

If everything stay on schedule, I should be ready for work on Tue.

Heavy upper body
Throws x50
HH 8x10
hurdle mobility

So how soon do you think you’ll be back to competing?

Goal is to resume speed training sometime late next week. I may not race on June 13 mainly because I don’t want to pay 50 bucks to race.

How’s the hamstring?

I’m on Day 2 of the rehab so I’m still icing 3-4x per day. I’m going to start using the EMS soon. Then later today I’m going to head to Austin to get some ART/Massage. I’m tight almost everywhere right now. By Thursday I’m going to start some light drills, stretching, and some BW lowerbody stuff.

Curious why ems so late into the process? How serious was the injury since you were only doing tempo?

I still need to buy a new battery for the EMS and the pads aren’t very sticky. I don’t think the injury was too serious, I’m just being cautious right now.

Use hot water to clean the pads then use a ace bandage to wrap around the pads to keep them firmly in place.

Ok, it was just a cramp fortunately. But there was a good possibility that a tear could happen because of how much inflammation that was in the area. My therapist said that my right hamstring was very swollen, he even took a picture and showed me. There were a lot of adhesions in my calves as well as my hamstrings. I’m really going to hammer the ice baths for now.

Thursday, 6-3-10

Warmup (light jog, hip mobility, activation work, sprint drills)

Started to do some hills but my hamstring started hurting…

Bench - 105 x 10, 155 x 10, 205 x 10, 205 x 3 (nothing left on last set)
Standing Russian Twists - 3 x 10, 25lb plate
ISO split squats - 3 x 30sec holds
Non Tripods - 200+ reps

Misjudged the condition of my hamstring. I had zero pain in the warmup, it was not until the first sprint when I noticed some sharp pain. Must have been a mild strain rather than a cramp. Going to have to gradually get back into it now.

Thought your ART guy said it was a cramp?

With the tests he did, he didn’t find anything wrong. He did tests where he would apply resistance to my hamstring and I would feel no pain.

Any ideas of what’s going on?

You have a hamstring pull and it hasn’t been a week and your trying to do speed work.

Friday, 6-4-10

Warmup (5min on elliptical, hip mobility, sprint drills, static stretch)

Neutral Grip Chins - 5 x 10
Seated Russian Twists - 3 x 10
Non Tripods - 120reps

Hammy is feeling sore, going to keep icing and using the EMS on it. Also going to give DMSO a try. It felt fine in the drills today.

Thinking it was a cramp, I didn’t think it was anything serious…

When is your tryout?

Somewhere around late August. When I return, I will be doing more GPP type of stuff.