On the Grind: My Endless Pursuit of Athletic Aspiration

I’ll have to find a better alternative. More landmines and decline russian twists is what I’m thinking I’ll do.

Decline Russian twists are going to load your psoas pretty strongly…

Thought so, but didn’t assume they would be as bad as planks… I really thought the planks helped with my spinal stability, it’s too bad they’ve given me problems.

Why you can’t stay with simple body weight ab circuits, mb core work, and GS circuits for the core?

I just feel like those circuits tightened my ES and glutes up too much. Seriously!

What circuits are you talking about?

The Dan Pfaff general strength stuff like Pillar, Pedestal, Bataan, Waterloo, etc. I’m not saying that they aren’t good, it’s just that I’m having a hard time doing them with my issues of constant re-occuring tightness.

Read again, I said body weight circuits (crunches, bicycles, sprinter situps etc).

Weighted Chins - BW x 5, BW x 5, 5 x 5 w/ 35lbs
Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 3 x 8 w/ 185
Chest Supported Rows - 3 x 6, 55lb DBs
Declince Pushups on Swiss Ball - 2 x 25

Abs ~ 100reps

Felt tired today, not the best quality.

Another body weight movement I like for the abs is body curls.

Much appreciated…

Warmup (light jog, light static stretch, sprint drills)

Spent one hour doing route running, catching, and 1on1 drills

I hate to write about this but I jammed my pinky on the last pass that was going to be thrown to me today. I’m icing it a lot right now. Bad thing now is that I won’t be able to grip stuff in the weight room. The dude that was throwing to me was this baseball player who could throw missiles. I barely caught most of his passes as I simply wasn’t used to it.

Damn man you may have to take up a different sport, maybe bobsledding like RJ.

I have ~4 months to get into top notch condition. It’s better to struggle now than later on. I will be practicing cornerback as well, so I have a plan B if wideout doesn’t work out.

I wouldn’t have a chance at bobsledding. I’m nowhere near big, fast, or strong enough to compete in that sport!

Warmup (5min incline walk on treadmill)

Isolateral Decline Press - 3 x 12
Nautilus Chest Press - 3 x 10
Machine Bicep Curl - 3 x 8
Elbow Lateral Raise Machine - 4 x 10
Dips Machine - 4 x 10

Abs ~ 100reps

Wasn’t able to grip anything so I did the best I could using my palms with the machines.

Long Warmup (light foam roll, hip mobility, activation exercises, light jog, sprint drills, MB throws, 2 x buildups)

Speed Work:
1 x 10yds, 1.66 fastest
2 x 40yds, 4.90 fastest
5 x 20yds, 2.62 fastest, PB
*wasn’t expecting anything good since I’ve been so inconsistent with speed work and the hip flexor strain.

MT (Bomb) - 3 x

45 Degree Hyperextention - BW x 10, 25 x 8, 35 x 8, 45 x 8, 45 x 8
SL RDL - 2 x 8
Landmines - 45 x 10, 55 x 10, 55 x 10
Planks - 2 x 60sec holds

Felt terrible out there today, I’ve been extremely tight in my thoracic and lumbar area, I even spent 3 days hammering those areas with self massage and still felt bad. I extended the warmup to about 50min which is 20min more than I usually do. During the first sprints, my hip flexor felt weird but towards the end with the 20’s I felt pretty good. My jammed finger is almost better, I’ve been soaking it every hour. With thanksgiving ahead, I’m hoping to get some rest, massage, and acupuncture possibly. It just doesn’t make sense how tight I am after doing very little work over the past 2 weeks.

The splits don’t make sense unless you are absolutely dropping anchor after 20 yards, you split .96 from 10-20 but 2.28 from 20-40. Expecting to split 2.0 from 20-40 is fairly conservative actually, so either you are having big issues with your body or your timer is woefully inaccurate.

These aren’t splits, I’m timing each sprint separately. I just posted the fastest time I had for the day. These are all done on some low quality grass as well.

Warmup (light static stretch, light jog, hip mobility, sprint drills, MB throws, buildups) - Lasted over an hour because of my training partner.

3 x 40yds, fastest was 4.85
4 x 20yds, fastest was 2.65

MB Throws:
1 Hop w/ Vertical OHB x 3
1 Hop w/ BLF x 3
Vertical OHB x 3
BLF x 3

RDL - 95 x 8, 95 x 8, 135 x 8, 155 x 8, 185 x 6 (form started breaking down)
Landmines - 3 x 10, 55lbs

Very off day today, my training partner still isn’t back from his groin injury. I think I may have found my issue on why I can’t get loose in my warmups. After watching one of CF’s DVDs, he mentions that you don’t have to warm up to warm up. I’ve been real anal and intense during my warmups, and I realized that I just need to relax more. Overall I felt very loose today and it’s probably from taking 5 days off from Thanksgiving.

An hour warming up in Texas?