On the Grind: My Endless Pursuit of Athletic Aspiration

Today’s session was a waste… I’ve been stressing a lot with my school work lately and it has been hard finding time to do speed work with a timer on hand. I wound up doing a fairly short warmup and ran some very slow times so I called it quits after 3-4 sprints. I’m getting plenty of sleep but I still don’t feel like I’m recovered good enough. It could be from taking my preworkout supplement too often. My right hip flexor is also starting to feel tight and it could be from the poor warmup I did. I’m looking forward to having a better day on Friday.


Weighted Chin-ups - BW x 5, BW x 5, 25 x 6, 35 x 5, 35 x 5, 35 x 5
Knees-on Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 x 5, 195 x 5, 205 x 5
Chest Supported Row - 3 x 10, 42.5’s
Decline Pushups on Swiss Ball - 2 x 20

Weight - 171 w/ cross trainers.

No ab work today as I really feel that my hip flexors are being over worked. I’m going to have to really foam roll my right hip flexor as it is very tight. I barely penetrate it and it’s tender. I feel like I’m pretty drained mentally and physically. I highly doubt it could be CNS fatigue but whatever it is I’m pretty worn out. Depending on how the warmup goes will depend on whether or not I will even both doing speed work tomorrow.

Man, if you’re that drained, don’t do the speed session tomorrow. This is your first year of college. You’re going to get worn down. All you can do is back off a little bit, eat well, get some more sleep, and wait until you feel better.

Pushing yourself is likely to just dig you in deeper.

I agree with your suggestion. As much as I’d hate to miss another day, it will only make things worse if I continue to push through. This hasn’t been a good week of training so I’m just going to take the weekend off and start back on Monday. I also have to make a trip back home so this should give me a lot of time to relax.

Warmup (light static stretch, hip mobility, sprint drills, light buildups, MB throws)

2 x 10yds
1 x 20yds
*Righ hip flexor started tightening up on me.

MT (Bomb) - 3 x

PM workout:
RDL - Bar x 10, 95 x 8, 115 x 8, 135 x 8, 155 x 8, 165 x 6
45 Degree Back Hyper - BW x 10, 10lbs x 10, 25lbs x 10, 35lbs x 10, 45lbs x 5
Swiss Ball Leg Curl - 3 x 15

LONG day today. Started out with driving 2hrs back to school today. Then my right hip flexor started to give me more problems so I limited my speed work. I immediately decided that I wanted to get some ART. So I drove all the way to south Houston and back for the appointment and they said that it was a mild strain. I’m thinking it was because I went overboard with the Non Tripods and Plank Progessions. I’m going to take lot’s of ibuprofen, foam roll, stretch, and ice it as much as possible. I will stick to pure PC movements in the weightroom right now.

I also have a training partner who is a former natural bodybuilder competitor. He plans to do speed work with me because he’s trying for the football team. He’s 5’9, 200lbs, and I clocked him in the 4.7 range. He also benches 405 and squats in the 500’s.


Weighted Chins - BW x 5, BW x 5, 5 x 5 w/ 25lbs
Knees-on Bench - 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 x 5, 185 x 5, 195 x 5, 195 x 5, 205 x 5
Chest Supported Row - 4 x 8, 55lb DBs
Incline DB Bench - 50’s x 10, 55’s x 10

Landmines - Bar x 10, 55 x 10, 60 x 10

Weight - 174

Still lot’s of icing and ibuprofen for my hip flexor. I’m not quite sure if the ART helped any yesterday…

Lyle McDonald. The end. Can’t give much advice about anything else but as far as nutrition goes, he is the man. Good luck with all your goals!

I read the “Meal Frequency for Mass Gain” article and it was interesting. I’ll be sure to do a better job of meal planning througout the day.

Warmup (long static stretch, light jogging, sprint drills)

Light route running and getting used to catching a football again.

It’s been a challenge teaching my training partner the right technique for a 3pt stance on the 40. He’s never ran track before and can’t really move his arms very fluidly due to his huge lats from natural bodybuilding. He still manages to muscle his way to a mid 4.7 which means he has a lot of potential…

Warmup (light static stretch, hip mobility, sprint drills)

Route Running - ~20min

Went in the weightroom later and started to do RDLs but I was feeling it in my back so I instantly stopped. I wasn’t feeling anything in my glutes. My hamstrings are actually still sore from Monday’s workout. They were also pretty tight.

Plank Progressions - 30sec on/60sec off
Split Squat Holds - 2 x 30sec
Non Tripods - 120 reps

Long static stretch, foam roll, and iced hip flexor afterward. I forgot to mention that I’ve also been using DMSO on my hip flexor this week.

Warmup (hip mobility, light jog, light static stretch, activation drills, sprint drills, 2 x MB throws)

Catching Drills - ~30min

RDL - Bar x 8, 95 x 8, 135 x 8, 155 x 8, 175 x 8
SL Leg Curl - 3 x 6
Reverse Leg Press - 50 x 12, 70 x 12, 90 x 12

I still don’t feel my abs and glutes activated completely. My T-spine is a little tight and I’m going to hit it hard with foam rolling later on. Overall my hip flexor felt great in the warmup today. I’m probably going to do some runs up to 60% on Wednesday.

I think those planks progression could be causing your hip flexor problems.

Agreed. If you don’t do those with great technique you can cause significant tightness.

I’ll have to find a better alternative. More landmines and decline russian twists is what I’m thinking I’ll do.

Decline Russian twists are going to load your psoas pretty strongly…

Thought so, but didn’t assume they would be as bad as planks… I really thought the planks helped with my spinal stability, it’s too bad they’ve given me problems.

Why you can’t stay with simple body weight ab circuits, mb core work, and GS circuits for the core?

I just feel like those circuits tightened my ES and glutes up too much. Seriously!

What circuits are you talking about?