Omega 3 fish oil

ive recently started taking omega 3 fish oil(once a day, 2 table spoons).
What quantities should i take it in as ive heard it can make a real difference? should i take doses twice a day???


What is the recommended doseage on the lable?

Just wondering, it makes a difference based on your weight, metabolism etc.


Remember its not the overall quantity of the oil that is going to benefit you, it’s the EPA/DHA content. So for example, lets just say 1 softgel contains 1000mg of concentrated fish oil but 300mg of EPA/DHA. I try to shoot for at least 3-5g/day of EPA/DHA, so that would get me to around 12-15 capsules per day.

What does your label read?

I’m using trueprotein fish oil 25$ for 1000 caps

15-20caps a day

I thought it was total amount that mattered. For example I use biotests “flameout” since its a quality company and each capsule is pretty potent containing 4225 mg of Free Fatty Acids with the DHA 2200 mg and EPA 880 mg. The label says to take 4 per day so I take 2 twice a day with food which I thought gives me just under 5 grams total. Thoughts?

There are 90 caps in it so with 4 each day it last around a month. So $24.00 per month.

Omega 3, 6, and 9 intake needs to be well balanced.

Highly recommended is - flaxseed oil.

Also, watch BBC - Human mind mini-series - 3 episodes.

Omega 6,9 are readily available from a normal diet, so it is recommended that only Omega 3 be supplemented to obtain a close to optimal balance. This makes Fish Oil the best choice, also the Omega’s in Flaxseed Oil are difficult to absorb, whole Flaxseed is much better.

Why is that? Thanks!

my tuna sandwiches only have the equivalent to one pill of my fish oil container

That’s not true at all. Whole flaxseed can’t be digested and will pass right through your digestive tract and out the other end. Good for regularity, but bad for flax oil absorption.

Your best bet is to either grind/crush it yourself (in a coffee grinder or something similar), or take the oil in liquid or pill form.

Fish oil is probably better overall since it contains a lot of DHA/EPA.

I agree with this, anyone who has consumed flax seeds without first grinding or crushing them would understand, however, getting Omega fatty acids from the seed is much better than from processed oil is what I was getting at. The oil contains no DHA/ EPA content whatsoever. Also, make sure you buy whole flax seeds and grind them yourself, because once they are ground, the oil in the seeds begins to oxidize rendering it useless shortly thereafter.