Old T.V. clips of Ben

Sorry if this has already been posted. But lots of interesting stuff about Ben and…stuff.


These are the BOMB!!! Thanks fo the post.

I think Ben is still the fastest. EVER. Everyone else is just now catching up to him. He got jerked so badly by the IAAF. Hope he can run again someday.


Thanks very much for the link. Good stuff.

This is great stuff, thanks a bunch.

great stuff…it’s great to see my idol’s old school “stashe”. Charlie is so relaxed!

Is there any way to save these to the computer?

By the way, this is awesome!!! I’m finally able to watch some of the things I’ve only heard about. Thanks a lot!

I tried that some time ago but couldn’t make it work.
If some one else can, let us know please

:eek: i remember when this was first aired! my parents were watching it and i just happened to be in the room. If only i had paid more attention!

i love the comment of ‘science will be telling the athlete how to run.’

Thats the URLs…





If you want the rest, too (the ones with the forbidden stuff) right-click beside the film you want to down load, select “View page source” and in the page source search for name=“URL”
You’ll find the links…

And of course it’s streams not files, so you’ll need software to download streams. Sounds complicated, but is very useful anyhow:

Sg. like

I only downloaded the 1st stream, it’s 14MB…


There’s more if you click on “Additional Clips about Running…” link under the clips.