OL Periodisation Stratgegy

That´s right !! This is the guy that i was talking about.
Ok, if you would compare this guy to a sprinter, who could be Sulli in sprinters world ?
Michael Johnson ? MayBen Johnson ?

David, if you did not know this already, the Sportivny press has just recently released an entire translated text on Suleymanoglu’s training methods.

You can find it at www.dynamic-eleiko.com/sportivny/library/newitem.html


I didn’t. Thanks James

Suleymanoglu video:


click on the photos on the bottom of the page and check out the video.


Ooohhh yeah !!
That´s what i was talking about !!!
Nice duel !!!
I remember the Valerios Leonidis words at the end of this duel:
Olympics are the place where every, each athete reach the top, the own top, but Naim, Naim found every time a way to surpass this top, Naim was superb !!!