No sprints here, just a few of my dunks :)

let me show you a few videos of mine, feel free to comment and tell me what you think.

Some stats before you ask:

Height: 6’2"
Weight: 240lbs
Age: 19
Origin: Israel


This is a video from a contest i entered a month ago, i’m a bit heavy and slow there due to fatigue and body weight (too heavy), but i managed to win. the last dunk is a fireball (it doesnt show well on this vid), thats why everybody are shouting.

This is a mix i filmed in the winter

Here i am running against Julius Page (NCAA 2004 CONTEST)
im the guy with the white hat and julius is… well u know him

of course i missed the rider and he won with an easy 1 hander (how selfish lol)

ones from looong time ago
360 cuff contest

360 alley on some lame defenders lol

Nice dunks.

Video of me holding some kids block (red shirt).

This kid is in hs from Mass and already ran 10.3/low. I wanted to check out his start. My friend is in lane three (green), plays Arena football, was a USATF finalist for 200m.