New York's $6.5b 2012 Olympic Bid

NEW YORK, Jan 16 (AFP) - New York’s effort to capturethe 2012 Olympic Games includes a plan to invest 6.5billion dollars in two key developments - the OlympicVillage and West Side Olympic Complex - organizers ofthe bid said Friday.
Daniel L. Doctoroff, founder of the bid committee,said the Olympic X'' plan - so called because itlocates all competition venues along two intersectingtransit axes, would leave a profound and enduringlegacy’’ to the city of New York.
Doctoroff was joined here Friday by William C. Martin,acting president of the US Olympic Committee, to makepublic NYC2012’s response this week to the InternationalOlympic Committee questionnaire sent to all of thebidding cities.
New York’s 65-page response to the IOC’s 25 questionsdetailed plans for security, transportation, competitionvenues, the Olympic Village and media facilities, aswell as outlining the city’s virtues on more abstractissues such as the concept'' for the Games, publicsupport for the event and New York's experience hostinginternational sports events. The plans submitted to the IOC address fears of NewYork's infamous traffic gridlock’’ by explaining theOlympic X'' - under which almost all venues arereached by one of two intersecting transportationroutes, one water and one rail. Competitors would be whisked to venues on high-speedferries, never having to negotiate New York's crowdedstreets. The 1.5 billion-dollar Olympic Village, where athleteswill be housed, would be at the center of the X, acrossthe East River from the United Nations. Another key area of investment would be the 5billion-dollar West Side complex including the OlympicStadium as well as a public square and new boulevard. New facilities for the Games would include an Olympicaquatic center, an urban equestrian center, rowing andcanoe/kayak facilities and three multi-sport arenas. Security functions will be carried out by the New YorkCity police, with the US Secret Service serving as thefederal coordinator of security services. Before the plans for the Games can be put into effect,Doctoroff said, bid organizers expect to spend 22.5million dollars in the effort to secure the event. Paris and London head the nine city race, followed byNew York, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, Madrid, Leipzig,Havana and Istanbul. The IOC will select the 2012 hostcity in 2005. We will do anything in our power to support New Yorkin winning this bid,’’ Martin said. ``This going to bean incredible legacy for this world city.’’