New Shoe Company Thinks It Can Allow Humans To Run More Like Animals!

ask any person at foot locker who is on the level and they will tell ya. its not a conspiracy theory its fact the stuffonly last about 3 months. and they say you should replace your training shoes every 3 months.

I’m not sure footlocker sales people know the chemistry of the glue or other adhesive measures used in every type of shoe.

I have had shoes that would wear out after a good 2 months and others that havent woren out after a couple years.

There is more than one type of adhesive used in shoes.

Obviously usage will dictate how long the shoes stay good. For me, doing lots of bounding and jumping, the issue was how they would keep their elastic tension; the shoe might look ok, an even feel ok while jogging and warming up, although they would be characterized as “dead” when doing something with more intensity. Therefore I used different shoes for tempo/warming up, sprinting, bounding, lifting and jumping (spikes not included).

If I would have used the same shoes for everything, I gather 2-3 months would have been enough to “kill” them. The average shoe count in one training year was, with this system, about 4 pairs… plus 2-3 pairs of spikes.

it is true for some shoes. my old work, their work boots were like that, pull new pair out of the box, and they fell apart in your hands after yrs of storage, so then they changed their methods and you ordered work boots, and they ordered them in brand new, only 1 pair at a time.
but, i have spikes yrs old, like 4-5yrs some of em, still fine, other than general wear n tear.
I have seen spikes i bought in 2000 for sale in clearance bins at discount sport stores, still fine, no decay.
All top sales people are taught, replace your shoes, in 3mnths, they will still look ok, but inside, that is where the damage is, and they will be no good. it bulloks. Unless your into heavy trainnig, and 95% of people buying from Sport stores dont train that hard… So, they are full of it. But, if you sound convincing enough, poeple buy into it.

It is a bit hard to believe that all well known sports shoe manufacturers use a glue that is meant to decay in 3 months! That would be a very poor business strategy too unless the maker is some unknown fly by night operator. Some shoes may last and some may not depending on usage and any inherent fault in the shoe making process that has slipped through quality control.

believe what you like, i dont know if the construction of the shoes applies to spikes as a good spike will experience higher torision forces than your avearge training shoe.

And your point is that good spikes use glue that does not decay in 3 months?

no my point is i dont kno if it applies to spikes