New Player for the NFL???

Dwain Chambers’ management team have said DC is consdiering a future in the NFL now …

Can he make it guys?

Anyone know his stat.s?

Be interesting to see if he can take a hit :slight_smile:

He is certainly strong and fast enough but can he catch, hold and run with the ball? How agile is he? Does he understand the game?

Lots of factors at work in football besides strength and speed in a straight line :slight_smile:

he might be a bit too humble and quiet fo the NFL too …

hmmm, size wise…he looks the part…but for what position? how are the hands? are they soft as a baby shoe…or hard as bricks? we know the speed is there…but can he maintain that speed in shoulder pads, helmet…and other necessities…

he may be able to bring a little funk thru the line if he was a running back…but remember, warren sapp, brian u, derrick brooks…would be there to meet and greet him…

this is gonna be interesting…

I agree. It won’t be fun getting tackled by those guys. Don’t forget Ray Lewis, that is just one person you would not want to meet on the grid iron.

interesting…maybe he has some back grounds in rugby…and then the hands would be ok…it would add lot of interest for football here in europe…he would be great in bobsled, but i htink the Iaaf and Fibt have an agreement according to which any athlete caught for doping in a federation cannot compete in the other…

yeah, once u are suspended from one sport…u are gone for 2 yrs…or what ever the penalty is. he cant bobsled, skeleton, ski jump, curl, or anything else that has “professional amateur athletes”…