New Barry Ross article.

Interesting - I’ve occasionally thought what Alyson Felix thought of this bloke claiming to be the brains behind her elevation to the elite level.

From what I have read, he had very little to do with her track work and was merely a high school ‘jack of all trades’ strength coach who happened upon an extremely gifted athlete for a few years whilst she was in high school.

It was some time ago, and by now I would have thought he had other strings to his bow other than to keep regurgitating the Felix line.

After several years of pushing his barrow, there’s still no real evidence at the elite level that his dead lift & ASR protocol develops faster athletes.

From a fast running perspective, the anecdotes at the start of this thread have more holes in them than swiss cheese. Hardly an endorsement for what appears to be a very dubious premise for his ‘secret to fast running’.

He’s got something to sell and there’s plenty of suckers out there looking for the quick fix, so good luck to him.