need advice

what position for FB should i try out for the Freshman team. and also what should i work on mostly for my stats below

age, 14
height, 5’8
weight, 140
40, 5.2
bench, 190
squat, 230

and do i need to work on my squat a whole lot.

give tightend/fullback/linebacker a try… u r still young just work on becoming a better athlete and do many sports like track, baseball and basketball.

well, i really want to play running back but my hams arent healing since they were pulled after track.

i suck at basketball, baseball and every other skill sport. so i wana be the best at football

i would be so much faster right now if my stupid hams would heal

bump !
can more people reply me plz

You look like a small running back. I’m surprised you can bench that much for your size. I’m almost 5’10 and 165 pounds but I can only bench 170 but then again I got long arms. I think with the those specs you could play almost any position, even lineman but with your speed that would be dumb. If your playing offense I’d say RB defense I’d say safety. Depends on how well you can hit and how good your hands are.

go out for TB and Backer…but be willing to play where ever the team needs you. Terrel Davis played DT in high school. Just be the best whereever they put you!

well, we have a lot of people at our school who are light weight.

our varsity receivers weigh only like 150 but run like 4.5’s and are big playmakers.
our varsity RB next year weighs like 160, and is 5’5
4.6, real shifty. and most of them are really quick. they run like 4.00’s on their shuttle.

so, if i weight like at least 190 as a senior, and run a 4.6 ill proly be RB, but there are too many genetic freaks we have at school so i dont know if ill make it.

i wasnt too good at cb this year, i got beat deep a lot because i was mainly out of shape.

is that right, hah, I like td he’s pretty funny, he only got 11reps at the combine.

i dont know if ill make TB this year in the freshman but the kid who played TB this year is real good(genetic freak) but he wont grow anymore proly because hes already taller than his dad and mom

do most of yall have light weight kids

ku2u, I do not really know much but, dude you are only a freshman, I would focus on becomeing an athlete, get faster, stronger, more agile all that stuff, I do not think it matters if you are a superstar in the nineth grade at any position…maybe you should try a bunch of positions, that may be the only way to find out what you are best at and/or like the best! Also the more positions you get good at, the more versitile of an athlete you are, the more colleges might take interest??? Not sure but good luck with whatever you decide! Train hard! :smiley:

thats what im tryin to do is trying to be a better athlete. to play runningback because thats the funnest position. i may be wrong though because i havent tried all of the positions

In high school usually the fastest person plays running back. If you’re a freshman and you’re playing varsity (around here it’s junior/senior) then you’ll probably start on defense and maybe move to offense after a year or two if you’re good enough.

no, we have a freshman team, JV, and Varsity

i wanna play running back for the freshman team

asd123, makes a good point, learn all the positions. Especially one the defensive side of the ball be versatile, do everything you can to increase your football knowledge. See the way a LB looks at the game, a safty, DB, WR, so on and so forth. The reason i say this is because if you can become decent at other positions, when its time for you to run the ball, you can know how to beat the LB, if u play receiver u can know how to beat the DB.

Take this for instance, your playing running back, and a linebacker or safty is coming at you full speed, well you know since you played those positions that if you cut back he’s not gonna be able to stay full speed, he’s gonna have to decelerate, break down, and then try to make a tackle, well you already know this, so by the time he’s decelerating your already making your move, whether you want to go around him, or through him, your choice.

But yea, it would be very beneficial for you to learn as many positions as you can, and put your all into learning that position even if it doesnt seem fun or exciting. In the long run it will make you a much better football player!

Once you start playing football the game really becomes appealing to you. I was never very much of a football fan before I started playing, I knew the stars like Brett Favre, Ray Lewis and Peyton Manning but I never really knew much. Once I started on a team I became really interested and watched football every weekend and so did the rest of my friends on the team.

Try watching the game too. If you could find a player that has the same type of skills as you and see how they play then it can really help your game. I watched a lot of Clinton Portis cause he plays the same type of game as me. And being a Baltimore Raven fan I saw a lot of Jamal Lewis, he really helped me with running through the tackles and basically in the middle of the field.

I also find that once you start watching football that depending on your favorite team and players it will impact what position you want to play. Ladainian Tomlinson used to be my favorite player and made me want to play running back for 2 years. Now my favorite player is Ed Reed and next year I’d like to be able to play safety.

k, ive pretty much done that for the last year or so.

i only watch the nfl network or espn classics if they have football.

i pretty much think about football 24/7. and i was never interested into football until i was in the 7th grade when i started playing.

my dream is to play in the nfl, no matter what pos, team, starting or not, ill love it if im even on special teams.

thats great how focused you are…thats what it will take, football needs to be your wife, your girlfriend, your mistress, it has to be your life. But play to be the best, don’t settle for sittin on the pine, even if it is in the league!!

ya, i just hope i keep this spark.