fogelson, let’s be clear here. As I stated earlier, all of our words are written down and documented (unless posts are deleted).
Your immature keyboarding is reflected in the combative words, and habit of embellishing my words, that you insist upon including in your posts such as:
and so on…
I haven’t used those words in any of my posts so why are you making up science fiction while speaking for me?
This is why I ask your age.
I’ve already acknowledged the great coaching of men like Pfaff and Smith and I’m familiar with everyone on your list except Judge and Shaver and all the names you mentioned obviously have impressive resumes so why the instigation? Are you actually envisioning a fist fight between me and John Smith…
Why would you use the most celebrated coaches in a system in order to support a discussion revolving around the problems of a system. Obviously the the most accomplished coaches are irrelevant to this discussion and, instead, the discussion applies to the hundreds of collegiate coaching schemes.
Again, I have to wonder how old you are.
It appears to me as if you’re not reading the same words I am because I’ve shared much more ‘facts’ than you in the form of names, times, distances, and so on.
What facts have you shared other than pointing out the names of great sprinters and coaches and then you went on to erroneously talk about gene pools as being synonymous with skin color.
I haven’t once disputed what has actually happened in T&F history while you, on the contrary, refuse to acknowledge what has happened (regarding the success of sprinters from the former GDR and USSR).
I’m not comparing athletes against athletes, I’m suggesting that we compare coaching models and sometimes the athletes’ accomplishments are not directly reflective of the coaches efforts as very gifted athletes are capable of high results in spite of lousy coaching and there are alternative instances of very good coaching efforts that are not reflected via the athlete’s performances.
please, for your own good, stop embarrassing yourself fogelson.
This is a computer forum and there’s no where to hide.
I’m laughing thinking about why someone would write that on a computer forum. priceless.
I’m glad Charlie pointed out what has been obvious to me since we began this exchange because some objectivity was sorely needed.
So there you have it, since you’re unwilling to see the logic in my words then perhaps Charlie’s will strike a chord.