Mysterious Knee Pain

I played an indoor soccer game this past friday. It was against the weakest team in the league so I did not have to strain myself much. I was not fatigued after the game, but when I woke up the next morning, I felt a strange pain on the inside of my left knee. I have had this pain occasionally before and it goes away after a bit of rest., so I was not too worried. It had not completely gone away on Sunday when our next game was scheduled. It was a very intense and very physical game. I had taken some pain killers before the match and combined with the intensity of the match I could not feel a thing. I was as explosive as ever during the match. However, when I arived home about an hour later, the pain resurfaced. I had trouble extending my leg completely without pain. My knee bothered me throughout the night and was very very sore this morning. I went to class and was able to walk on it, however I cannot fully extend my knee or move it quickly without pain. I can bw squat to parallel without pain, below parallel I start to feel a dull pain. If my leg has been stationary for a while, when I try to move it, it is painful, but once I move it a bit the sharp pain subsides, unless I try to fully extend it.

The knee with the scrape on it is the injured knee. It was slightly more swollen this morning, but the swelling has subsided a bit.

The pain and soreness are on the hard part of the side of my knee level with the bottom part of the scrape, the circled region. My VMO is not sore, no part of the lower leg is sore. The top and outside of my knee are fine as well. Just the inside of my knee level with the scrape. It feels very hard to the touch, possibly a bone but I am not too familiar with the structure of the knee.

I have not done anything today besides rest it because I read here that ice can irritate some knee injuries. I am not sure when/if I will be able to see a doctor and I want to find someone that is experienced with sports and knees so I am not sure when that will be. Any ideas on what it could be or any advice on determining the problem?