Sunday 7/5/09:
Played 30 minutes of beach football and another 30 minutes of beach volleyball.
And wrestled in the water every here and there. Felt like interval training lol. 2 minutes on and a minute off. lol
I knew running the sand relieves me of knee tension and all, but damn it was hard to stop, go, stop, go in football. That was some nice resistance.
Bodyweight Circuit:
1A) Y-Squats x20
1B) Diagonal Lunges x10 each side
1C) Inverted Rows x10
1D) Burpees x10
Decline Weighted Crunch with 25 lb plate 2x25
Russian Twist with Medicine Ball 2x8
Hanging Knee Raises 2x10
Notes: From this day on, Im going to do calves and abs everyday. Calves before my workout and abs after. I already feel it. Not only do I want to lower my bf% so that I can get abs, I also want to get bigger calves.
Ordered my supps last nite. Shout out to WR for helpin me out on pickin em out.
Ordered protein and waxy maize by Dymatize, multi and zma from ON, and fish oil from NOW Foods. Oh yeah, I had 4 more dollars to spare so I bought a shaker bottle too lol. I have .07 left from my $100 gift card lol.
Monday 7/27/09:
Started using my stack today.
Fish Oil and Multi
Protein and Waxy Maize
Standing Calf Raises 2x15 (270, 360)
1A) DB Flat Press 3x6 (45s, 50s, 55s)
1B) DB Row 3x6 (40s, 50s, 60s)
2A) DB Triple Press (Incline then half then flat) 3x6 (35s)
2B) BB Row 3x10 (95)
Deadlift 2x19,12 (85)
Decline Weighted Crunch with 25 lb plate 2x25
Russian Twist with 25lb plate 2x8
Incline Leg Raises 2x12
6x30s sprint, 30s jog @10.0mph and @5.0 incline
Postworkout: Mixed 16oz 1% milk with 2 scoops protein (~42g and strawberry flavored :)) and 2 scoops waxy maize (~70g).
Notes: Just had my postworkout meal so Im waiting for this to digest and then Im gonna pop the ZMAs into my body. From the reviews I read about it, Im kind of freaked out about what I might dream tonight…shiiit. Wish me luck yall.
ZMA in 2 hours. Wait 30 minutes, then have my bedtime snack of cottage cheese with pineapples :D.
Wednesday 7/29/09:
A day that will forever be remembered. Lol WR knows why. Im more driven than ever. Thank you former best friend.
7x30s sprint, 30s jog
Notes: Had to pick up a friend of mine from work but she wanted to work an extra hour and get out at 9 so I decided to kill the hour and go to the gym.
Thursday 7/30/09:
Opened my checking account. Got paid yesterday. Nice fat paycheck :).
1A) EZ Bar Bicep Curls 4x8,8,8,6 (60,70,80)
1B) Close Grip Bench Press 4x8,8,8,6 (95,115,125,135)
2A) DB Hammer Cirls 3x10,10,8 (15s, 20s, 25s)
2B) DB Over Triceps Extension 3x10,10,8 (50s,55s)
3A) DB Concentration Curls 2x15 per arm (20s)
3B) Rope Pressdowns 2x15
Hanging Knee Raises 2x8
6x30s sprint, 30s jog @10.0mph and @5.0 incline
Stability Ball Crunch 1x15
Knee Tucks 2x20
Notes: Biceps were blasted. Pushed farther than my limits. I was lacking that drive before. Curling 80 for 8 reps was easy. I have to really strengthen my tris. Thats my most lacking part.