my soccer program... comments please..

I was on Faculty yesterday, listening to my Conditioning II course…
Prof. mentioned that for soccer players is good to do 400m (>90%), because it develops LA tolerance??? Actually everyone agreed except, freaking me!
Prof. stated that during a game bLA in soccer players is rised above 16 mmol/L, and make technique mistakes at even 10 mmol/L, so his logic was that they should be able to perform correctly under higher bLA values…
True, but not exactly… so, for me there is two posibilities:

  1. Developing abilty to perform correctly at the fatigued state, but not with running 400s, but rather with HI specific work but with shorter pauses! This should be done in later PREP period, as Svass and I agreed.
  2. Developing optimal aerobic capacity so does bLA dont even rise during a game. This is done by tempo work and should be done allways (3x in GPP, 2x SPP, 1x COMP /w).
    But my colegues and my prof didnt understand my underlying logic!
    So this is the key element here:
    Soccer players really tolerate bLA during a game, but not all of them, only the one that have poor aerobic capacity and one who didnt conducted tempo running!

So the question is, do you want your players to tolerate bLA better, or that bLA dont even start to rise (significantly) in them?

It is sad that this prof is 30y at the faculty, and he is the “name” in National Soccer…

Did he mention anything about "aerobic conditioning? What is the progression before reaching the “lactate tolerance” training?

No, he didnt mentioned anything! Actually this conversation was “short trip” outside of our subject which was recovery in training, bla, bla!
He just mentioned that soccer players should be able to tolerate bLA and that 400s are great for soccer players, he didnt mentioned anything about progression, season part etc! Actually, when they (students and prof) realize that I am a “hard nut” they jumped off the subject… What do you think Nik?

I also think you are a “hard nut”! :slight_smile:

Tnx Nik! :slight_smile:

another question:

should tempos always be done on soft surfaces, or can i do them in the hallways of my school??

They SHOULD be done on soft surfaces but you CAN do them in your hallways. That wouldnt be such a great idea since down the road it may cause shin splits and other lower leg / tendon / joint problems, but it can be done. If you were to do it I would advise to keep the volume low and make sure you are icing aftewards.

Will everything be on this surface?? :rolleyes:

On my weights/sprints day i try to split up weights and sprints by around 4 hours (more if i can, but usually thats the best i can do)… is this enough time?

You don’t necessarily need to seperate them. I have noticed that if I go immediately to the weightroom, I can do almost the exact same weights (sometimes even better), while saving the energy and not having to do another warm-up/cool-down.

what about sprinting after weights???

Are you looking more to get stronger or more to get faster? Put your priorities first.

i need to get stronger first (very weak right now)… but eitherway would it be ok to do weights then sprints right after or should i split it up???

Also you said do sprints then weights right after, but that would mean like a 2hour workout session combined… wouldn’t that release lots of cortisol and decrease test.levels??

another question:
I know that lactic acid is a bad thing when trianing for soccer but I usually get a little lactic acid induced burning sensation in legs when doing tempos (usually on the longer sprints ie 150s 200s) is this ok?? like i mean its nothing huge, but its enough to cause some discomfort…

If you are getting lactic acid during tempo you are going to fast.
If you are getting a tiny bit towards the end of the workout then so be it. Your getting into shape. If this is still happening in a few weeks then you are going too fast. Are you able to finish at the same pace you started?

yea give or take a few seconds… i go at around 75% of my best pace.

3000 m total volume at 75% seems to be whats recommended for tempos for soccer players… but i was wondering if it would be ok to increase the volume to 5000 m for extra conditioning?

For example 5sets of 10x100 with 20-30 seconds between reps and about 1minute-90 secs between sets…

Are you able to actually complete it at 75% for 3000m?

not yet… but i was wondering if i could increase to 5000m as i progress or if would be too extensive… (ps i could complete the 3000 at 75%, but my rests might be alittle too short at 20 seconds between each rep)

[QUOTE=Omyss]3000 m total volume at 75% seems to be whats recommended for tempos for soccer playersQUOTE]

Could you please provide the resource that recommends this volume of work? I am always looking to improve my knowledge of conditioning work for soccer.
