My Masters Training

Thanks for sharing A-J.

Have you thought of eliminating overspeed and replacing it with hills?

I was also surprised about the amount of overspeed in this program and that A-J was able to survive two overspeed sessions per week with only one day of rest in between.

However, replacing overspeed with hills would replace top speed with acceleration work. Would that be useful for a 400m sprinter? Wouldn’t it make more sense to replace overspeed with maxV work on the track (e.g. 60s, Fast-Easy-Fasts or flying sprints)?

I found the downhill over speed really really helped!
As an aging athlete with many training years under my belt, I’ve actually found this a great way to help get that neural hit! without the hard acceleration on the track.
One thing I have definitely learnt over the recent years is downhill sprints are a great way to hit top end and get that turn over and eccentric hit to the system whilst actually not being that physically demanding from a recovery stand point.

I utilised some uphill running after one of the sessions.

I couldn’t hit everything I would have liked to as only had the 12 weeks to get where I needed to be.

My recovery was on point I will say that, regular massage along with vibrating rollers and even impact massagers (hyperice and TimTam) whilst also using hydro therapy (Jacuzzi, sauna steam rooms etc)

Sub 50 as a Master and a world title so you are doing something right - congrats.

I understand your rationale behind over speed for yourself, is this just using a gentle downward hill ? The “risk” with overspeed is using a method/slope that encourages going too fast with deformed mechanics at high speed. You managed to get through 12 weeks with no obvious injuries.

Interested in your off season/GPP. Noticed that you ran 5K in 20 mins and were aiming for 18. That`s a pretty decent time, are you doing much tempo/continous running volume ?

The hill is 6% and smooth, it takes a couple of runs and of course just pure confidence to let yourself just go. But, I find although the CNS demands are higher than normal and of course my rate is higher than normal, I recover quicker, taking out the need to accelerate and make the tope end part easier, really makes it easier on the body.

The Winter/GPP before was ok with weekly hills and a slight focus on just getting fit, that 5k actually gave me a pull in my left calf at the 4k mark so hobbled through to the finish unfortunately (I should have stopped but I am an idiot sometimes). My target was the indoor European champs, in which I suffered a Hernia during the 4/200 relay final.

After which I was out for 10 weeks of sorts, I was able to maintain some level of running and drills but at no intensity. I actually competed for my club in the 800m a couple of times just to be included :slight_smile:

And now of course my target is the indoor being held in Poland late March:

My current block for record is as below (This is week 4)

Week 1
Mon – Circuit/Weights,
Tue - 2-3/300m 4 min rec
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights,)
Thur - 3-250m 10Min rec 3-60m
Sun - Hills

Week 2
Mon – Circuit/Weights,
Tue - 6-150m 2 min rec 3-60m
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights, strength (deadlift etc)
Thur - 350-250-150m 4Min rec 3-150m
Sun - Hills

Week 3
Mon – Circuit/Weights,
Tue - 4-50, 80-120-150 10min rec
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights,)
Thur - 2-3/300m 4 min rec
Sun - Hills

Week 4
Mon – Circuit/Weights
Tue - 3-3/160m 30sec rec
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights,)
Thur - 3-300 15min rec / 3-60m
Sun - Hills

Interesting. So you are doing flying sprints down-hill? How many and over what distance? Also, how did you measure the slope of the hill?

I use with my TomTom or Garmin and also sites (calculate Hill Slope) ect.

I tend do a gradual build up over 30/40m into a 20m fly for about 3 reps only, The regularity of the sessions is what brings the adaptation not the individual session.

Target for 2019, obviously the indoor worlds, but mostly I want to target my all time PB of 48.6 which frankly should have been smashed when i was younger :frowning:

Any short sprinters in your group?

yeah I coach a few, youngest 16 oldest 55. I work with athletes from 2 local universities

Best last year was 10.70 and 21.31

I have an 18 y/o girl who ran 24.63 last year, in her first year with me (also went 54.40)

What are your master short sprinters doing?

I had a Masters sprinter in malaga who ran 11.15, my M50 guy was joint 1st in the uk rankings for 60 (age group obviously lol)
My Masters run with the youth, we have speed graded groups.

This is an example of my short sprints squad block that is upcoming (incidentally also my next block as I switch to work on my much needed speed)

You will notice there is no OS in this plan, although that may change as we get towards week 3 as I assess the situation

Week 1
Mon – Circuit/Weights
Tue - 3-300 8 min rec 3-60 4min rec
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights,)
Thur - Resisted Sprints (extended drills) 20m sleds
Sat / Sun- Blocks or Hills Sunday

Week 2
Mon – Circuit/Weights
Tue - Ins/Outs 20s (30/20/20/20)
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights,)
Thur - Block Accels
Sat / Sun- Blocks or Hills Sunday

Week 3
Mon – Circuit/Weights
Tue - 30m Fly’s
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights)
Thur - Resisted Sprints (extended drills) 20m sleds
Sat / Sun- Blocks or Hills Sunday

Week 4
Mon – Circuit/Weights
Tue - Ins/Outs 20s
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights,)
Thur - 150-150-150 from Blocks
Sat / Sun- Blocks or Hills Sunday

Week 5
Mon – Circuit/Weights
Tue - 6-60m 8 min rec from Blocks
Wed - AM – Stretching + Home circuit 10min
PM – Weights,)
Thur - Split 240s (80-80-80 30sec)
Sat / Sun- Blocks or Hills Sunday

Nice keep following your training - it’s working for you.

I forgot about this.

so had I lol

How did they handle the 3x hi days? Having a hard time figuring out the theme each week on the speed days - seems like Sat/Sun is always accel?

Weekends switch generally between acceleration of a Hill Based tempo

My general philosophy, is based around running rather gym, so although weights maybe in the plan, I allow my athletes and myself to drop sessions if they are fatigued, bring a value to self regulation.
I only “prescribe” reps where I specifically want that number and adaptation and usually means, they are pace regulated too. Where there is no set no. these are always self regulated by the athletes, and to some degree you would say end up being micro-dosed.

Running over gym - no problem most programs are that way. How are you progressing those days - seems like they are changing every week (pickup drills, flys etc)?

Sun: starts
Thur: accel>>> SE
Tue: speed?

Great job beating Covid19 my friend… Hopefully all is well!!!

Eagerly waiting for your story.