My football workout please critique

Hey what’s up. I created this new workout for me to do until July. I was going to do anonther westside but I really don’t have time or energy to do one. I’m definatly going to be doing it in the summer before Football starts up. I’m training for football. This workout is 4days but to allow alot of rest I’ll spread them out in 8 days instead of 7. Open to any suggestions and critcism. I will also include my plan my Gpp, abs, and pylos don’t know how I’ll shecdule it yet tho. Thank you

Workout 1
Bench or Incline Bench or Decline Bench 4x5
Bentover Row 3x8
Curls 3x8
Skull Crushers 3x10

Workout 2
Front Squat or Squat 4x5
SLDL or GM 3x5 or 3x10
1 Leg Squat 2x10
Wall Sits 2x1min

Workout 3
Close Grip or Incline Close Grip 3x6
Milterary Press 3x8
Plate Pinches 3xfailure

Workout 4
Power Clean 4x4
Hang Snatch 3x4
Deadlift 4x4
GHR 2xfailure

GPP Workout
Burpees 2x15
Mountain Climbers 2x30secs
Jumping Jacks 2x100
Feet Shuffles 2x30sec

Weighted Crunches 1x100
2x50 Crunches
2x20 Toe touches
2x10 Leg swings ea leg
Bridge 2x1min
1x25 Flutter Kicks

Pylos (Light)
Tuck Jumps 2x5
Leapups 2x10
Vertical Jumps 2x12
Burnouts 2x100

I’m going to be doing a running workout to but I gotta wait till the weather gets better. I’ll post that in my journal later when the happens

When are you doing your abs, plyos, and gpp workouts? You need more lower body assistance work. I’d find a place for pull ups and maybe rethink my ab work. If you haven’t had a real good coach I’d probably steer away from the cleans and definitely the snatch - do some deads and squats explosively for an alternative or high pulls if you have to do traditional OL movements.
For grip work vary it up - strengthen your wrists and I’ve always thought (maybe without reason) that doing pulling movements with towels translates well to the football field. I’ve had my nephew do a fair amount of work with the towel and he had one play as a middle linebacker last year that convinced me that his grip work was helping. He was being engaged in a block by a lineman as the fullback came hard through the hole. He was able to get a hand on the runner’s jersey but the back was a strong kid too. He pulled my nephew off of his feet (he was going down from the block as well) and drug him five yards on his back before he could roll over and use his right hand to wrap up the legs and get the tackle.

4x30m (full recovery) and 4x40m (full recovery).

Workout 1
Bench or Incline Bench or Decline Bench 4x5
Bentover Row 3x8
Curls 3x8
Skull Crushers 3x10

GPP Workout
Burpees 2x15
Mountain Climbers 2x30secs
Jumping Jacks 2x100
Feet Shuffles 2x30sec

Weighted Crunches 1x100
2x50 Crunches
2x20 Toe touches
2x10 Leg swings ea leg
Bridge 2x1min
1x25 Flutter Kicks

Pylos (Light)
Tuck Jumps 2x5
Leapups 2x10
Vertical Jumps 2x12
Burnouts 2x100

Workout 2
Front Squat or Squat 4x5
SLDL or GM 3x5 or 3x10
1 Leg Squat 2x10
Wall Sits 2x1min

12x100m between 50-75% intensity

Weighted Crunches 1x100
BB Side Bend 2x10 ea direction
Seated BB twist 2x10 ea direction
Reg crunches 2x50


4x10m full recovery 4x20m full recovery

Workout 3
Close Grip or Incline Close Grip 3x6
Military Press 3x8
Plate Pinches 3xfailure
Hang Snatch 3x4

GPP Workout
Burpees 2x15
Mountain Climbers 2x30secs
Jumping Jacks 2x100
Feet Shuffles 2x30sec

Workout 4
Power Clean 4x4
Deadlift 4x4
GHR 2x5

Nothing Complete Rest

Trying my hardest to do the running. I’ll change up the excersises and reps set in 3 weeks. Man my shecdule going be tight. School, Studying for SAT, Getting a job, Working out, Running, then stuff with the team. Hopefully the weather stays nice

Why not have the hang snatch first on workout 3?
Do you have access to a sled? or Hills?

No hill or sleds. I’ll change the snatch to first since it’s more taxing on the cns

WOW, this is going to kill you! And I don’t mean that in a good way. If you carry out what you have listed above (which honesty you probably won’t be able to) you will be the most conditioned, overtrained, underprepared athlete on the field. Seriously, I have seen many people try crazy prep’s like this before and it never works out. Usually injuries and burnout happy way before practice even begins. If they do make it to practice, they are so trained incorrectly that their performance ends up sucking anyways. Please reconsider and tone it down a ton. Just do what is needed, not everything you can think of. You’d be amazed at the difference in results when taking that approach instead.

less IS more

Less volume, higher quality and intensity. Consider purchasing CF’s forum review. it should help a lot. His GPP vid is awesome too (too bad my dvd player can only read it 30% of the time)