My Experience on the DB Hammer Bench Program

Agreed. I’m doing well. I started swimming hard again, so my bench is down a bit, But that’s to be expected, given the the CNS drain of sprinting.

I’m lifting and sprinting every 4-6 days. I have an end-of-microcycle test in a few days. We’ll see how it goes!

mike did u create this cycle yourself? because im trying to make 1 too, but im kinda unfamiliar with it.

How are these four-day rest periods structured? In other words, if I perform a bench press workout on Monday is my next bench press workout on Friday or Saturday?

Inclusive Method

M T W R F (4x24 hours in between workouts)


Non-Inclusive Method

M T W R F S (4 days between workouts)

Your next workout would be on the Friday.

Thanks, Justy.

I adapted it from DB Hammer’s website. He has an article entitled “Got Bench?” My program is adapted from the “mixed” regime, for an athlete that is neither duration dominant nor magnitude dominant.

Yes, you would bench on Friday.

One of the problems I had with the program is that I simply had a hard time waiting between workouts! Schedule legs or something for Wednesday.

Yeah Mike,

It is my understanding that you are to train legs on the other days. Now that I understand the time between workouts completely I assume a training week would look something like this…

Monday: Upper1
Tuesday: Lower1
Wednesday: off
Thursday: off
Friday: Upper2
Saturday: Lower2



Upper 1
Lower 1
Upper 2
Lower 2

be a better option? :confused:


I think John C-S’s suggestion is probably a better one.

Pay attention to your body though. As I understand it, nervous system fatigue is uniform all over the body to an extent, regardless of whether you work upper or lower body.

Anyone who knows more about this feel free to chime in.

Couldn’t you spread the volume thoughout the 4 days. DB or kellyb said that you could do 28 sets on one day and rest 4days or do 7 sets for 4 days, if I’m not mistaken.Which is the most optimal of these choices?
Monday- 28 sets/TWTH-Rest /Friday-28 sets
Monday-14 sets /Tuesday-Rest/ Wednesday-14 sets/ Thursday-Rest/
Monday-10 sets/ T-8 sets/W-6 sets/Th-4 sets/

For me the second option would seem most suitable. I have read a lot of DB’s stuff but am not ready to drink the kool-aid quite yet. Mostly because I don’t know how to put it into action. I will proably just add in some of the speed-strength hybrids with my triple jump/ box drills, which I do before weights.

I agree mikeh, but the degree of the impact/fatigue induced by means of upper vs lower body training might be quite different (see Charlie’s Motor Units Involvement chart), and I guess it has to be taken into consideration .

Again you’ve made a great point Pakewi. Where can I find this Motor Units Involvement Chart? Does it indicate a greatter nervous system load in lower body max effort than in upper body?

There is a graph of it in the forum review e-book.

Absolutely, and Pakewi is was great to meet you this weekend.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Charlie’s MU recruitment/CNS stimulus chart you may refer to the following:

With regards to MU recruitment/CNS stimulus the central stimulus is ‘generally’ I repeat ‘generally’ relative to the number, and size, of muscle groups involved in the lift. The large full body compound/OL lifts are at the high end with single joint, or small muscle group, movements at the low end.

So although any type of movement yields a CNS stimulus, there are very significant gradations between various lifts, therefore, this must be taken into account when constructing a split.

The chart is in the Forum Review,and shown in the Vancouver FAST Seminar tapes .
As far as CNS load,Charlie’s chart defines one of its dimensions,helping evaluating the total load .
I personally find it a most precious tool in everyday planning and training and a great starting point for further thought and discussion.

James, it’s been great to meet you too over the weekend in beatiful Vancouver!