My Diet: comments?

I’m 17, 180cm, 80kg @ ~15% bf. Here is my diet for when school and sport starts. I’ll be training twice a day from Mon-Fri (~2-4hrs per day) and playing games twice a week (Sat and Wed). I don’t really want to gain any significant weight, a small amount 1-2kg is fine, but with the amount of running I doubt I’ll be able to…I don’t have much time to prepare meals hence the use of MRPs and protein bars as a ‘timesaver’ more than anything else. I can’t total macros because there is quite a bit of variance in this diet, but I’m hoping it will be 3500 kcal+, 200g+ protein and 400g+ carbs :


Meal 1: Morning Pre Training (4:30 – 5:00AM)

2 scoops (1/2 serving) of Cytosport’s Cytogainer
1 weetbix
1 serving of WW pasta

Meal 2: Breakfast (7:00AM)

2 eggs
1 slice of Burgen Rye bread
1 cup of HILO milk
2 grilled tomatoes
1 serving of fruit

Meal 3: Mid-Morning Meal (10:45AM)
1 Balance Protein Bar
1 apple
1 handful of mixed nuts

Meal 4: Lunch (1:00PM)

1 cup of skim milk
1 chicken + lettuce sandwich w/ rye bread

Meal 5: Afternoon Pre Training (3:30PM)

1 scoop of whey protein powder
1 serving of Gatorade/Powerade
1 banana

Meal 6: Post Training (4:45 - 5:15PM)

1 scoop of whey protein powder
1 serving of Gatorade/Powerade
2 weetbix
1/2 cup of HILO milk

Meal 7: Dinner (7:00 – 7:30PM)

…WHATEVER IS SERVED… (either steamed fish/roast meat + boiled vegetables OR lentils + rice + raw salad OR pasta + salad)

Meal 8: Pre Bed (9:00PM – 9:30PM)

1 serving of Cottage Cheese
1 cup of HILO milk
1 tbsp of Natural Peanut Butter


1 cup of HILO milk
1 tbsp olive oil


1 scoop of protein blend
1 cup of HILO milk
1 tbsp of Natural Peanut Butter


[ul]Multivitamin/Multimineral – 1 tablet in the morning, 1 in the afternoon
[li]Fish Oil - 2 caps morning, 2 caps evening
[/li][li]Trace Minerals - 1 serving morning
[/li][li]Vitamin C - 1 cap morning
[/li][li]B Complex - 1 cap morning
[/li][li]Zinc Complex – 1 cap morning
[/li][li]Magnesium Complex - 1 cap evening
[/li][li]Creatine formulas i.e. MAN Clout, MAN Orotine, Omega Thunder – pack recommendations to be adhered by
[/li][li]BCAA - 1 serving morning, 1 serving pre-workout, 1 serving evening
[/li][*]L-Tyrosine – 1 pre workout[/ul]

Looks pretty good. I would try to add more vegetables to meals 2-4.

Also, just get straight powdered creatine. The other stuff is mostly fillers (and is more expensive).

In addition, You might want to swap out the brands on the MRPs and bars regularly. (if you have to rely on them that much, i would try a lot of different types and find what works best).

i think the more important issue is your workload.
you are 17 and plan on training 10x a week plus 2 games on approx 8 hrs sleep a night and a full dy at school.
you wont last a fortnight…
i have to tie myself down almost to stop myself training more than 5x a week but you know what? it works. less is more as they say.
No one apart from the top pro’s with their medical entourage can sustain 2x a day training for long

the diet is clean enough. apart from the lack of oatmeal (replace weetabix with oatmeal) and 10 eggs or more a week. knock this down to 2 or 3 no more

you have already a lot of supplements in there. whether this is wise at a young age i dont know.

also what sport do you play and what do you lift/times. what are your goals in terms of all the above too. this will help tailor your diet accordingly

Sounds pretty boring and un-appetizing. Whole wheat pasta -plain???

How long do you think you will be able to keep this up. All kinds of supplements and Wheetabix??? Do you think the supplements will make up for what is missing? Eat some real food and lots of it. You’re only 17. With that workout schedule, you should be shoveling the whole food in non-stop.

And you won’t make it on 8 hrs. sleep.


Thanks for the responses.

quarkthedark - yes, I normally have straight CEE, it’s just that my cousin brought some of that stuff over from the US for me during the christmas period. Anyway I’ve only heard good things about the stuff on the other forums, so it should be fine.

I try to swap MRPs and bars often…the only problem is it’s hard to find good quality, cheap ones…

I’ll try and add more veges to the meals you suggested…

joconnor - Yes, I know workload is an issue. I don’t train high intensity every day though and the sport I am inseason for ATM, which is cricket, isn’t the most highly intense of the lot. Here’s my weekly schedule for the next 10 weeks:

Mon (AM): Weights (Upper)

Tue (AM): GPP (Bodyweight) + Tempo Runs, (PM): Team Training (Cricket)

Wed (AM): Skills (footy) + Plyos + Sprinting, (PM): Practice Game (Cricket)

Thu (AM): GPP (Med Ball) + Tempo Runs, (PM): Team Training (Cricket)

Fri (AM): Skills (footy) + Plyos + Sprinting, (PM): Weights (Lower)

Sat: Game (Cricket)

Sun (AM): REST or GPP (Bodyweight)

AM sessions start at 5AM finish between 5:30AM and 6:15AM
**PM sessions (apart from the practice game): start at 3:45PM and finish at 4:30 (weights) or 5:15PM (cricket training)

I don’t enjoy eating oatmeal and I can never cook it well in the microwave (even if I follow pack recommendations). Also, it takes time to prepare it and clean up the microwave after as it makes a fair bit of mess…

I don’t see what’s wrong with eggs though. I know a lot of people are concerned with cholesterol levels and egg yolks, but I believe otherwise…

My goals are basically to maintain weight around 80kg. I also want to increase strength as I have footy season starting in May. I’ll be starting a training journal here when school starts in Feb to keep me on track…

TNT - I know it does sound a bit boring, but I do try and spice things up, it’s just that I don’t have much time available to make the meals in. I use sauces and seasoning (salt + pepper) to make the food taste better if it needs it.

The supplements are just there to supplement a solid diet. In my experience BCAAs have helped my recovery from workouts a lot, L-Tyrosine, creatine and B-Complex give me a good boost of energy for my workouts, Zinc and Magneisum help with my sleep and recovery. A lot of the stuff my dad get’s cheap because he buys in bulk and sells them at his practice…

“…to supplement a solid diet.”

You call that a SOLID diet???


In regards to the eggs, i don’t see a problem. I have been eating a similar quantity for a while now, and no problems.

Regarding supplements, if you have them, use them. Just don’t rely on them.

Regarding sleep, 8 hours works for me and two-a-days, while recoverying well. If you get into a sleep deficit though, 8 hrs will not bring you out of it.

TNT, what is with the tone? He asked for advice and explained himself. All i hear from you is insults towards his ability to keep his plan.

I agree regarding the veggies, and more fruit would not be bad either if you try to keep it earlier in the day. I would be tempted to replace weetbix post-workout with a fruit.

I am wondering about all that milk, it seems like a lot for one day- and a lot of sugar to be having right before you go to bed. Also re milk, no reason not to have 2% at your meal #4! Unless it gives you an upset stomach, you should have milk with some fat in it at 17.

Be careful with doubles! I am currently in the middle of a four-week period of double practices plus 4 lifts a week, and I am breaking down a little even though my diet (I think) is quite good and I get a lot of sleep. The little things will really help, i.e. stretching and ice consistently.