

Just looking for some feedback on the Musashi range of ‘Dog’ food - Reg, Rex and Ralph

Does anyone here use the Musashi Growling Dog range?
and How (i.e. amounts, timing, etc)?

hi there,

im not a fan of musashi products at all.
their labelling is very misleading, and for many years there have been whispers inside the industry in australia that their product is not up to scratch.

take for instance their creatine product (growling dog i think its called), i stood at the gym looking at the packaging for ages just trying to work out exactly how much creatine is in the tub, they dont tell tou… its all hidden within percentages and fancy packaging.

i assume you are an aussie, if so check out myopure,

Be warned though, there is NO fancy flavours/packaging, but at least you are getting the real deal, with no bullshit. the whey i use tastes F’ing disgusting but i could NEVER go back to big name brands again after using their stuff…

hope that helps

No not an Aussie, and have no commercial interest either.

That’s the first negitive comment I’ve heard about Musashi.

I know taste isn’t a big plus and it is a factor - but hey I ain’t in sport for taste.

Their Testamonials speak for themselves …[ All Blacks, GreenBay Packers, Atlanta Falcons, The Wallabies, Australian Olympic Committee, Vancouver Canucks, Broncos, Chicago Bulls, Chiefs, Crusaders, Team Newzealand, Austrailian Rugby, New York Giants, Australian Weightlifting, England Rugby]

[See - and ‘click’ on Testamonials]

I also can’t agree with you on the packaging - I would regard Musashi as one of the less glamorous supplement companies (No half-naked ladies or bulging bodybuilder pics on the tubs or flashy colours, black and white mostly - the best it gets is an ugly dogs head on the front …), with quite clear and informative packaging - I think one of the letters compliments them on that too.

Re: quality, I think they are internationally regarded as one of the best, but as I am not in the testing industry I can’t be definite.

I agree with no23 on the packaging. Where is the mystery?

Growling Dog Micronised Creatine

Nutritional Information: per 3.6g/100g

Nutritional Information: per 3.6g/100g
Calories (1cal/20cal)
Protein (NIL)
Creatine (4.95g/95g)
Carbohydrates (0.05g/5g)
Fat (NIL)
Cholesterol (NIL)

I haven’t tried any of their products yet so can’t comment on that.

ok sorry, might have worded my reply a little wrong…

in fact there are huge problems with the supllement/vitamin industry (the recent pan pharmacy scandal is prime example of that) in this country/new zeland.

testing of product does not exist, independant testing? lol

Testamonials by those national teams has to be taken with a grain of salt as mushai sponser most of them, or the tournamets they compete in.

please dont think i have some sort of personal vendetta against them, i dont.

i have used their product and didnt like it, friends of mine have donethe same. perhaps we were unlucky, or the product is different here to what you may be able to purchase where you are.

here in aus Musashi are at the high end of the supplement market, and for the amounts they are ‘claiming’ to be providing within each product, their prices are ridiculous. again perhaps the situation is different to where you are

apart from the above reasons i couldnt recopmmend their product to anyone simply because their ‘recipies’ could easily be made at home using high quality products at a far cheaper price.

likewise i have no commercial interest either, my only interest is to obtain the best quality product at the lowest possible price, and in my opinion that aint musashi.

Creatine (4.95g/95g)

hmm ok, well the growling dog i was looking at was claiming oin the packaging that it had 95% creatine per serve, and nowhere on the container was there any breakdown of what was actually in there.

im guessing you guys are getting something different then

apologies if that is the case

Originally posted by gf_200
[b]I agree with no23 on the packaging. Where is the mystery?

Growling Dog Micronised Creatine

Nutritional Information: per 3.6g/100g

Nutritional Information: per 3.6g/100g
Calories (1cal/20cal)
Protein (NIL)
Creatine (4.95g/95g)
Carbohydrates (0.05g/5g)
Fat (NIL)
Cholesterol (NIL)

I haven’t tried any of their products yet so can’t comment on that. [/b]

Maybe it is a typo - but how do you get 4.95g of creatine from 3.6g product?

Fair enough,

I do think though many of the customers and testamonials are impressive … not too many other companies could produce such testamonials - howeve that’s not the point of this thread …

(I think I remember reading that post before on the old forum? Did I?)

Anyway, Has anyone else experience of the Growling Dog ranges?

Sorry. That typo doesn’t aid my argument. My second slip of the day!

Enough deviations. Experiences with Musashi, anyone?

Originally posted by davidian68
[b]hi there,

take for instance their creatine product (growling dog i think its called), i stood at the gym looking at the packaging for ages just trying to work out exactly how much creatine is in the tub, they dont tell tou… its all hidden within percentages and fancy packaging.

They have two creatine products. One is pure creatine. The other is Growling Dog Micronised Creatine. This is 95% creatine, 5% glucose. I’ve used it with good results.

Are Musashi products available to people in the US?

From the look of your avatar Prophet, i think supplements are the last thing you need!!! I have used Musachi and found them to be great. I would say they are midrange here as top of the range is the US stuff and they are top of they top of the range in price due to conversion from Aussie to USD, not for better quality product.

Prophet, the only supplier in the US I have found is Summit Supplements:

I think their product line is decent, but it really tastes like crap. Derek Hansen described the taste perfectly: detergent with some lemon squeezed on top.

I always found Musashi products to be effective. (They had to be to get anyone to take it!) BTW the Growling Dog has some ATP in there as well. I don’t know how much but I do know it’s stunningly expensive- 2000USD pr KG wholesale!

what’s the effect of having the ATP in there?

ATP causes dilation of blood vessels.

Thanks for the link Flash! $2000/kg! Thats ridiculously expensive, for a minute there it sounded like we were dealing narcotics. SAY HELLO TO MY LIL FRIEND!!!

http://www.supplementdirect also sells a lot of musashi products and at a lower cost than one can find them in Australia!

Thank you also Neo!

Has anyone tried Myopure’s L-glutamine powder? If so, what were your thoughts?