MoGreene WR slomotion

sigh, why did you bring this thread up i actually thought they finally had the damn clip.

Wow, that was all one sentence.

anybody have the race?

Hey, the links no longer work! Can someone post the two clips somewhere so those that missed it can download?



I got it to work from this link

thanks man

From memory, did Ato get DQ’d in that race?(running out of his lane).

No, he didn’t.

anyone know atos time? he was second place right?

ato ran 9.86 for like the 5th time in his life!!

In watching the clip, I was wondering, why an athlete, like Frankie or anyone would feel the need to rise to quickly.
I know from my exp. that it feels like the faster I get into the upright position the better I will do. Instead of a transition, is my accl. poor, so i feel the need to become upright?
Not asking about a specific reason why Frankie did it, but some general reasons why that mistake is made, I have done it and when I see it on film iI see the mistake like Frankie,it makes no sense compared to how I feel when I am running???

hahahahaha! WhiteChoc…leave him alone! :wink: