Modifying KK's program for 100m

It came out a couple of months ago, and is available here.

I can only tell you what my experience was with the KitKat program as a tall, lean masters guy with a 25.67 indoor PB. I had trouble handling the work when I did short to long preparation in the past, and I’d find that I was chronically tight and sore in the calves and achilles, and would carry a bit of extra weight around my midsection that I couldn’t seem to get rid of (see Kelly Baggett’s "Skinny-Fat Ectomorph articles).

I found the KitKat GPP mentally tougher than a Short to Long (especially on 5x200 days!) but I was able to handle it much better physically, which was very motivating. I also lost fat easily without much change in diet. ESTI has used number of variations of KitKat’s GPP with excellent results, he is the one to ask really. Hopefully he will chime in soon.