Thanks for all the discussion everyone. I came back last week and read what everyone wrote, but I felt that I couldn’t respond yet again and bring up some more bullshit about trying to plan a template if I wasnt willing to work. So I threw together my own plan and this past week completed Week 1 of my initial 10 Week program. Right now, any work is better than no work. Here’s the plan. 10 weeks of what is basically a bodybuilding lifting template to get my body somatype back into place and build some basic general conditioning with some higher reps. I’m integrating elements of running in a week by week pattern, so that by week 4 this is what it will look like.
Mon: Short Speed + Back/Shoulder
Tue: Tempo + Arms
Wed: Short Speed + Lower Body
Thu: Tempo + Back
Fri: No running + Chest/Shoulders
Sat: Off
Sun: Off
By Week 6, there will be plyometrics on monday as well, and by week 8 there will be plyometrics on monday and friday. Week 10 is the last week in this type of program before I take a week to rest and recover and then plan on where I want to go from there. Also, this will be following a CF Template in that M, W, and F will be high intensity days and T and Th will be sub-maximal effort so far as lifting goes. Without further adiue, this is what the past week looked like…
Week 1
-Standing DB Shoulder Press 15, 12, 10, 8 (27.5, 30, 30, 30)
-WG Upright Rows 12, 10, 8, 8 (45, 65, 65, 65)
-Side Raises 15, 12, 10, 8 (5, 10, 10, 10)
-Straight Arm Pulldowns 3x10 (forgot weights)
-Seated Rows 3x10 (90, 110, 120)
-Abs: 125
-45 minutes indoor soccer match
SS1 Rope Pushdowns 3x12 (50, 60, 60)
SS1 Alternate DB Curls 3x10 (25, 25, 25)
SS2 Dips @ BW (12, 10, 10)
SS2 Hammer Curls 3x8 (20, 25, 25)
SS3 Incline Skull Crushers 3x10 (30, 50, 50)
SS3 Seated DB Curls 3x8 (20, 20, 20)
Abs: 300
-Full Squats 10, 10, 8 (135, 135, 135)
-Leg Ext. 15, 12, 10 (100, 100, 115)
-Leg Curls 15, 12, 10 (45, 70, 105)
-SLDL 10, 10, 8 (75, 85, 95)
-Abs: 100
-WG Lat Pulls (front) 15, 12, 10, 8 (90, 110, 120, 120)
-WG Lat Pulls (back) 4x12 (100, 100, 100, 100)
-WG Bent-Over Rows 4x10 (65, 65, 75, 85)
-Bent-Over Side Raises 2x10 (10, 10)
-Alternating Front Raises 2x10 (10, 15)
-Abs: 300
-Incline Barbell Bench 12, 10, 8 (95, 95, 105)
-Flat DB Bench 12, 10, 8 (40, 40, 45)
-Incline DB Chest Flies 3x10 (15, 15, 20)
As you can see, my numbers are downright embarassing, but I expect that by the end of this thing I will quickly gain back the strength I had (come on muscle memory!) and put myself in a position to make some real gains and progress. That’s all folks, and I’ll try and update this at least a couple times a week, but know that whether it’s updated or not I’m still working out and will have my own personal log. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.