
I would think that a clean raw milk from grass fed cows in unpolluted area is the best. All the fat from dairy being bad for you is completely BS.

Drink up then kids.

Seriously, if you had to choose, take Goats milk over the Cow’s. It’s way easier to digest.

As far as Calcium goes.

As far as SuperVenom goes, I should have known that you drink it.

I would have to agree. Raw milk from grass fed cows is not only extremely healthy, it tastes fabulous - like drinking ice cream. On the other hand, there are many critics of pasteurized, homogenized milk - the crux of their argument being that the processing of regular commercial milk not only modifies the protein structure of the milk to the point of making it hard to digest, but also destroys much of the beneficial components of raw milk, namely the beneficial bacteria and enzymes.

As far as the fat in dairy, its generally well accepted by the people in the know that saturated fat (animal fat) is not so much the enemy as trans fats. I for one am much healthier when I seek out saturated and omega-3 fats and avoid the trans fats.

I drink a gallon of raw milk a week and have trouble living without it. I never tolerated commercial milk well. Raw milk has helped me lose fat without even trying, improved my eczema and overall digestion. The catch is trying to find a supplier of raw milk in your area, because most states require you to buy it directly from the farmer, and sometimes you have to “own” part of the cow.

I would be weary about replacing cow milk with soy products. Read up on soy before you try it, because a lot of the research and corollaries on soy which is so called “positive” has holes in it or is based on false logic. Check out these articles to start with:

I avoid soy like the plague, especially after I isolated it as an extreme aggravator of my allergies.

Very interesting…

Top Ten Reasons why Milk is not the Perfect food:,5090,221846_65386,00.html

It’s a great source of unwanted antibiotics.

Ditto for recombinant bovine growth hormone.

[I want the growth hormone, gimme gimme gimme]

Eighty percent or more of the world’s people are lactose-sensitive or

[Bullshit. Nobody I know of including immediate family and friends including first and second cousins are lactose intolerant. Furthermore, although there are some people that are lactorse intolerant I found this to be the minority]

The homogenization process (which allows the fat to stay in suspension, so that the cream, for example, doesn’t rise to the top) makes the fat and the
cholesterol more subject to oxidation (and therefore free-radical

[O.K. but how much free radical damage are we really talking about here? My answer is very little.]

The nations that consume the most milk also, incidentally, have the
highest rates of osteoporosis.

[Right and this has nothing to do with the fact that there fat couch potatoes! Or obesity from fast food restaurants. How about we do a survey on obesity and fast food and then see if those countries that have the so-called highest rates of osteoporosis don’t also have the most amount of Mcdonalds and Burger Kings!]

The top 10 reasons why you should drink it have been brought to you by the
dairy industry, not by independent assessors.

[Well Duh! Who else who come with a top ten reasons to drink milk? David Letterman? Gimme a fucking break!]

It is very high in phosphorus, which is a calcium antagonist, so the
calcium in it is not particularly well absorbed.
The calcium-magnesium ratio is not particularly good.

[Maybe, but if you consume as much milk as I do then it doesn’t matter worth shit. I always know people who are “big-boned” like farmer boys to be the naturally strongest and also have big bones!]

It is one of the top allergens, probably the number one allergen for
children, and it is filled with (milk) sugar.

[Allergens? Are you fucking kidding me again? Concerning milk sugar what about all the sugar you get from chocalate bars? Also, what about the fat from fast food restaurants?]

Calcium is not as well absorbed in the absence of some fat; hence skim
milk is an even worse choice…

[Maybe true, but again If you drink as much milk as I do this isn’t a factor! Also what products glass for glass will give you more calcuim then milk? Answer none! Dumbasses]

[As for raw milk. If your lactose intolerant then try it. Maybe raw milk is just better overall? All I know is that I have never once had a problem with homo milk and if I had to give it up I would just die! What else goes good with cookies, Definately not coke!]

Like Siff said, " I was convinced for much of my life that the anti-milk lobbyists were way off track and were probably a bunch of skinny runts who never drank large quantities of milk to help in their quest for size and strength."

I totally agree!

Not milk and the raw milk crowd are retards

The documentary ”The Corporation” told about a few journalists at Fox who got sacked because they refused to change their story about some hormone containing drug (from Mosanto) that the dairy-industry uses to make the cows produce more milk.

I am lactose intolerant and until you are you will never appreciate all the problems milk can cause.

As for milk sugar the majority of sugar in milk is lactose (which is galactose-glucose) and the sugar found in most candy bars is sucrose (glucose-fructose).

Lactose intolerance has to do with the body not producing lactase (would be in the small intestine) which would break apart the (galactose-glucose) to galactose and glucose.

Prove us wrong then. Otherwise, you’re an idiot.

Lets critque the information provided by one of the sites mentioned above

Top 10 reasons why milk is not the perfect food:

  1. It’s a great source of unwanted antibiotics.
    the dairy industry does not allow antibiotics into the milk siupply. hard to make cultured dairy products when all of the cultures get killed by antibiotics
  1. Ditto for recombinant bovine growth hormone.
    And what does rBGH do in humans? how do they make it orally absorbable? pharmaceutical companies cannot…
  1. Eighty percent or more of the world’s people are lactose-sensitive or -intolerant.
    so? are they saying if you are lactose intolerant that you have to drink it? either way there are lactose free products, or stuff like yogurt and cheeses which have minute amounts of lactose anyway… most lactose intolerant can handle a glass of milk per day anyway…
  1. The homogenization process (which allows the fat to stay in suspension, so that the cream, for example, doesn’t rise to the top) makes the fat and the cholesterol more subject to oxidation (and therefore free-radical generation).

Claims are easy. Do a quick pubmed search for milk and homogenization and oxidation, and/or cholesterol oxidation to see how many that popup.

The nations that consume the most milk also, incidently have the highest rates of oesteoporosis.
Damn people do some research on osteoporosis. While it is a massively multifactorial disease and bone mineral content is only one factor of the complete picture, America has a lot of problems with osteoporosis, but the type of comment above is based upon gross availability of dairy products, NOT actual dietary intake, complete difference…
America are also amongst the laziest and fattest nation on the planet

The people who like to use this comment are quick to point out asian countries have a low rate of osteoporosis and low dairy, however there is vast problems with the assumptions. China, which is one of hte naturally lowest consumers of dairy also have a massive osteoporosis problem, however accurate reporting from china is for the most part a pipe dream, although they are providing far greater estimates of rates within the last few years, by 2050 asia will account for the vast majority of osteoporosis in the world (WHO report).

  1. The top 10 reasons why you should drink it have been brought to you by the dairy industry, not by independent assessors.
    ya think

who would pay for it if not for the companies suppling it? would PETA fund dairy advertising?

  1. It is very high in phosphorus, which is a calcium antagonist, so the calcium in it is not particularly well absorbed.
    except that its pretty well absorbed phosphorus or not.
  1. The calcium-magnesium ratio is not particularly good.
  1. It is one of the top allergens, probably the number one allergen for children, and it is filled with sugar.
    Soy is also a great allergen, as is peanuts and basically any protien food source on the planet… didums. full of sugar, so? asides from the nutters like Seagull (segalll?) this is not an issue.
  1. Calcium is not as well absorbed in the absence of some fat; hence skim milk is an even worse choice.
    ?? not as well absorbed in the absense of fat?? lactose increases uptake, vitamin d can help uptake, but fat? evidence?

No part of the beginning argument or your counter-argument has anything to do with RAW milk. Raw milk is very different from homogenized, pastuerized milk (explained in previous posts). It looks and tastes differently, and I personally notice a big difference in the way it behaves in my body.

Can you explain why you don’t agree with the raw milk crowd - who are a far cry from the “Not Milk” crowd?

If you believe that commercial milk is a good product, I can’t imagine how you could argue that the less processed, more natural version is no good - but I would like to read what your thoughts are.

Milk is great for health and helps in growth and making our teeth and bones strong. Milk prevent from diabetes, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Get organic, unhomogonized whole milk from grass fed cows if you can find it at your local farmers market. This is the most nutrient dense milk. If you tolerate it well milk can be ok. If not, try to avoid it, theres way better foods out there.

Part 1-
Part 2-
Part 3-

just to pick up where syrus2001 left off regarding the ‘paleo/ever evolving/questioning nature’ regarding our food/sustenance services, here are some more videos from underground wellness channel.

Goat milk seems better for my baby boy(17months) since we’ve switched him off homogenized. When consuming homogenized he’d be seeming to have sad nightmarish cries at night, possibly from the effects of the heroin like protein being absorbed through the digestive lining into the blood stream and finally to the brain. With the goat milk he is now consuming less volume of milk daily(24-32 oz.) while eating more, rather than the 40-48 oz which he’d previously consumed while eating minimally.