Mike Mahler's "Kettlebell Solution for Size and Strength"

I just watched this DVD yesterday. It is a great resource when learning about kettlebell training. Mike went into great detail when explaining the lifts and proper technique. This DVD is a must for anyone that has little understanding of kettlebell technique. He covers the basic movements, and then adds a few advanced exercises for a good progression of your workout. This DVD is definitely not for the metrosexuals that wear weight belts to the gym. Every time he dropped those kettlebells I thought they where going to land right on his feet.

A few things that I did not like about the DVD were minute technical issues. For one, the entire video was shot a the beach. The sound of the water throughout the video makes you a bit drowsey. Hopefully someone shot that bird and put it out of it’s misery. It is impressive that Mike can handle the heavy kettlebells, but I could have gone without hearing how strong he was every ten to fifteen minutes. And, lastly, there was too much name dropping. It’s great that Mike knows and has studied under many famous men, but give credit when credit is due and leave it at that. It will not change my perception of the video whether this guy or that guy is your “good buddy” or not.

Overall, superb video and a must have for a complete training library!

Nice review Firebird, i have the say i found the DVD start to finish to be very informing.

Being new to Kettlebell training i guess i found the word kettlebell to be a little intimidating.

Good work Mike, it gets a 8 out of 10 from me only because it didnt show kettlebells at a track of some sort.


Thanks for the review Firebird and let me address your points.

  1. You have to plug other people when your borrow ideas in this game as people really get pissed off when you don’t. Might sound silly but that is the way it is.

  2. Talk about how strong I am every 15 minutes. I think that is a major exaggeration. It was every 20 minutes or so;-)

Thanks for the review

Mike Mahler


I received my DVD today haven’t been able to watch all of. From what I’ve seen it’s like a texbook on video, very detailed. I’ve picked up so much about technique, breathing, tension- just from watching the military press chapter. I’m self taught in the lifts and watching this will really help me refine and correct my technique.

Maybe one day I’ll double snatch or sots press 2 88 lb bells!

Ok, I was exaggerating. It rubs me the wrong way when people brag/talk about their accomplishments. You didn’t brag at all, but simply mentioned your impressive abilities. Sorry, it’s just a pet peve of mine.

I also understand the need to plug when you borrow ideas.

Thanks again Mike!

Thanks Elars and I look forward to your review when you finish watching the entire DVD. Email me if you have any questions.

Mike Mahler

Ha ha, no problem and I know what you mean. Thanks again for the review.


Ha ha, thanks Rupert and I maybe next time I will shoot a DVD on track field :wink:

I just got through the DVD the second time, very informational. Having already owned and used his Mike’s Manual, this was a review of exercises for me, but it really cleaned my form up and I felt my core and some other things I hadn’t in the past.
Mike did an excellent job with the video, and going through is exercises that he uses. It’s easier to perform the exercises correctly with him demonstrating, describing versus following a manual. By the way those that got the video for free should look into the manual, there are a few more exercises in the manual and if you are looking to seriously train with the kettlebells there are good supplemental exercises. He also goes through some different workout routines to use.
THanks for the DVD Mike.
Jake Thompson MPT, ATC/LAT, CSCS

Thanks a lot Jake and glad that you liked the DVD!

Mike Mahler