Michigan Madness

Knowing what I do about Gittleson and Barwis, though, I am still strongly of the belief even with all of his shortcomings, (many of which I’ve pointed out and in other cases agreed with posters here) Barwis is no doubt better than Gittleson.

Barwis simply has not had the same caliber of player to work with, overall that is, that Gittleson did over his time there.

I think his over the top methods have probably led to some injuries but Gittleson’s injury rates were horrendous. I think even Charlie talked about this at one point-just as he talked about Mannie’s injury rates on the old forum.

Ok cool. :cool: I’ll admit I know only but so much about Gittleson thru his workouts. I did meet him at the clinic I pm’ed you about an he didnt come right out and say it but he doesnt like the New regime there. Coaching and racing/playing against some of Mike G’s former guys, they still love him (the 1’s I know). But yes your right about the injury rates, I think missed that part (my bad). Whats funny is barwis’s injury rate high. Apparentl not as high as Mike G.
I do know he’s doing alot of speaking engagements for I wanna say Hammerstrength? Correct me if Im wrong.:smiley:

No problem and much of what I state is just opinion anyways-no right or wrong there.

I’ve been a UM fan since the Rick Leach days (went to the 79 Gator Bowl vs. UNC and Anthony Carter/Lawrence Taylor though Leach had grad. by then) when I was a kid so we’re going way back with that and MG got his job right around then, around 78 or 79.

I felt like they underachieved for so long under him and many players physically regressed particularly after their sophomore or even freshmen years. For lack of a better analysis, I thought the athletes became slower, less explosive under his program. His program was truly archaic.

You are right, Barwis does not have a great injury rate either-for one, we’ve not been able to keep feature backs healthy during his watch.

I would imagine he might still be linked with Hammerstrength and I’ve seen some things he’s posted at the Roger’s athletic site.