Micheal Johnson tells Marlon Devonish to train properly.

If anyone is going to the UKA Sprint Conference in a couple of weeks maybe they can ask his ex coach where has gone to.

Its all official. Tim and Rhys Williams are going back to Wales to train with Colin Jackson.


I just saw it, it should be interesting!

What does he mean by these:

"I’m afraid I’m not really interested in starting off someone’s career and trying to turn a nobody into a someone.

“All my expertise, and all my recent knowledge, lies at the top end of the sport.”

Sounds like he only wants established talent and doesn’t want to work with younger athletes that are still developing. I feel the same way. In fact I don’t want to work with anyone who runs above 10.10 :rolleyes:

why in the name of god did they not ask MJ or CH to help them.both have great results(MJ+CH) and both have great knowledge so why not go to the best in that field…

why eat mince meat when you can have fillet steak! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

And Williams was doing so well with Nick Dakin, why would he change what was working so well? Especially as Dakin coached Chris Rawlinson and coaches Kemmel Thompson.

They want to keep them all in the UK where they can be looked after by EIS go to the USA and you have no medical backup etc because all the money has been spent on employing the EIS.

I think this was a case of a clash of personalities and the fact that Williams is very Welsh and misses being there.