Micheal Johnson tells Marlon Devonish to train properly.

Why is it a moot point? Is it not an important area of a coach’s duties? Keeping his athletes healthy?

The reason it is a moot point is that she had a long history of injury problems.
There are some sportsmen who are cursed with continual injuries - sometimes it is bad training and competition habits. Some are just not biomechanically sound and will tend to get injured whoever coaches them.

I was not making the point that coaches are not responsible for their athletes health.

I think a lot of Merry’s problems were caused from the outset of her involvement in athletics. She was multi talented and ranked highly in severla events. Quite a few coaches wanted a piece of her success and she appeared to be pulled in all directions. Probably missed out on a structured conditioning programme to take her throught to senior level. :frowning:

I thought Merry started at 100/200 then moved to 400. Was not aware she was talented in other areas and competed in them, possibly to the detriment of her core sprinting ability.

  • What sort of other events did she do ?

I’m curious. What the heck does the athlete do for 35 minutes while waiting for next intervals?

P.S. Road runs helped my 2000m time… wait no, one to many digits. Nevermind. :smiley:

Do your sprints between classes.


Confirmed by the HSI website: http://www.hsi.net/track.shtml

Tim who? Nobody called Tim on the HSI website.

Lol. He was just there (seriously). Looks like they just deleted him. Tim Benjamin.

Marlon Devonish should’ve used his chat with MJ to get himself a place in Clyde Harts group. I wonder if he is going to use the advice MJ gave him? Only a fool would not.

LOL :eek:

The powers that be at UKA have pulled him before they make the official statement.

But thanks to Google we have the cached page to look at!

As last week in AW they were going on about him taking “a long break” before starting training again :wink: Well at least someone in the UK of merit bothers to read the site.

eres the pic

Hi oldbloke, High Jump and Long Jump, can’t remember if she hurdled as well, long time ago. If I had kept the back copies of AW I used to have I could tell you better.

Who needs advice, who needs a chat. When all you really need is the internet. I knew what Michael Johnson was talking about, how to train.

What a day! Now i hear that Tim is in fact going to train with Colin Jackson in Cardiff! Strange…


check out the all-time lists from under 13 upwards, and it can be seen the range of events Merry used to compete over, and how good she was.

Where did you hear that?

Jamie Baulch had his best results over 400m when being trained by Colin Jackson.

I think one of Tims biggest problems is that his 200m is not as fast as it once was. He has run a 10.48/20.67 100m/200m in the past, which would benefit his 400m.

I heard this too. It looks like it is going to happen but then HSI looked like it was going to happen too! :eek:

I think its more to do with injuries rather than a loss of speed . Remember a UKA doctor punctured his spine when administering medication about 18 months ago. Since then he has had a spell of bad luck and a myriad of injuries.

Yes, but you have to ask yourself, are his continuing injury problems related to his training being very “hard work”, lactate, endurance based? Whereas if speed and recovery were worked on more he may have less injuries.