Mel Siff?

I heard a rumour that Dr. Mel Siff has passed away… has anyone heard anything?

I never had the good fortune to meet Dr. Siff in person but we communicated via email on many occasions. He did not know me from the man in the moon but he shared his knowledge with me as freely as if I were a close friend. OHSTF you are absolutely correct Dr. Mel Siff was a true giver. Rest in peace, Dr. Siff.

Unfortunately, the rumour you heard is true.

Chris T. has posted on his forum that sadly Dr. Mel Siff has passed away.

this is very sad news for all of us.

rest in peace.

Tragic news indeed. SuperTraining and CF were the two best sources of training information available anywhere. ST had more of a scientific/theoretical slant while CF is more in-the-trenches real world advice. Together, there was a nice synergy. Mel will be missed.


Although I never had the lucky chance to meet dear Dr. Siff personally,He has taught me a lot,with His willingness to share His knowledges and life round experience in His writings,His posts over so many Internet Forums,and by means of personal communication. Hence my deepest,ever lasting gratitude and respect to the Man.
My profund condolences to His Wife,and Anybody here who shares this sadness.

Giuseppe Gueli

“I vivi non sanno nulla.Insegnatemi,o morti a morire senza paura,o almeno senza orrore.Perchè la morte è un nonsenso,come la vita.”

  • Mesa Selomovic-

It is a day of great sorrow for me, knowing that Mel has passed away.

Some time ago we were on the phone (I loved his accent and his politeness that reminded me of an english lord); after telling him about my projects he told me: “I am happy when my students are successful”. That phrase made me very proud. He was like this, the man who so generously contributed to the dignity and advancement of our field.

I have this memory of him waving his hand and smiling beside his beloved wife Lisa, in front of their house.

Good bye Mel, my maestro, my friend.

I am so sorry to hear this… not only because this is a huge loss for the sport science world, but also because Mel was such a great person. Everything he did was a labor of love, and he was so generous. He gave me an e-copy of “Facts and Fallacies of Fitness” for free. I’m sorry to say I never got to meet him, but I’ll always feel like a student of his.

This is very sad news indeed! Fortunately, I had the pleasure of meeting Mel a few years ago in Toronto, when he was here for the SWISS conference. He will be missed!

I remember chatting with Mel to all hours of the night. Still would call him often to run things by him. I just cant believe it! Are we sure this is true? God, this is terrible. He was a great guy! I laughed so hard when i was with him, and learned so much!
Dan Fichter

Mel and Lisa are two of the finest human beings that I have met.

The world is filled with givers and takers.

Mel was the definition of a giver.


Very sad to hear indeed. I was looking forward to hearing Mel speak next week at a seminar. Does anyone know if his “Supertraining” list will go on in his memory? It should go on as a legacy to his consistent efforts to better the field of training and conditioning, and his ability to look at things rationally and critically.

Well unfortunately I doubt that the list can go on, because all messages have to be approved by the administrator (Mel) before they are posted.

Perhaps a new forum could be created in his honor.