Matt Jones (NFL's Jacksonville Jaguars)

Ok, to summarize…

-Matt Jones is fast.
-After learning combine tricks, people think he’s even faster.
-Combine his size with his “improved” speed and people have high expectations
-Many might think this high combine speed means proportionally high NFL game speed
-Therefore they may believe that he’ll use his speed and size on corners like Randy Moss
-All that’s being said is that the high expectations that arose from the 40 are unrealistic because:
That linear speed might not translate to running routes with football speed/agility.

I personally think he will be successful. He doesn’t even have to run perfect routes because of his size and vertical. Perfect routes, accelerating, decelerating, etc. don’t even mean much. What matters is that he knows how to read defenses and find the gaps in the zone, etc…and guess what a QB better understand? Exactly that.

we have to see if he will live up to the hype