Master Coach Charlie Francis Oly / What do you think?

I think most of Pfaff’s tweets have been political for some time.

200s and 400s have been darn good the last couple of seasons, so something favorable is happening at those distances across track and field.


Masters athlete, Justin Gatlin is back with Dennis…Smart man. I figured he would realize leaving dennis, the man who took him from a 4 year layoff and running 10.6 to becoming a world champ again wasnt a smart move. Gatliong had left for Id say half a year to train with David olivers old coach “forgot his name”

Brooks Johnson.

Who is this young man?

Well spoken, confident and so talented! It will be interesting to see how he finishes this season.

You guys hating on Stu - bringing in some high traffic numbers… LOL

Most users ever online was 3,524, 12 Hours Ago at 11:45 AM.

Fair point…But Stu started it ,so it looks like we are finishing it. He just sounded like such a dickhead for trashing Charlie for what appears to be no apparent reason other than to make himself sound intelligent and way more successful than his results indicate… I repeat…Dickhead

Unfortunately, he seems to have already finished the season with an injury sustained in the 200m final. It looked pretty bad, and I doubt he will race again this season.

Kenny is another young college kid who just turned pro. He ran 19.4 with a Hurricane then the next day ran 19.8 into a neg. So he is legit. Gonna be something special. Sad he got hurt. But ita been a long season for him. Rehab and get ready for next season.

Maybe Stu will man up and defend his comments. And explain why athletes go to altis and run slow then leave.

THat’s funny. I love to laugh about some of this silliness and how serious some of these people take themselves. IF they dropped tomorrow ( gosh forbid anything unwanted happen to anyone we speak of) what might be said of them?

I think it’s more telling that Mr. Stu said ‘something’ rather than ‘what’ he says. Perhaps he is speaking on all sorts of what is NOT going on for himself ( what are his coaching resume results? ) and same can be true for others like Mr. Stu.

… For example " how did he do that".

And it’s too bad for many people because Charlie’s out of date ideas and out of date training methods can all be dismissed because of Pharma care??? How is that idea working for people?

Mr. Charlie took his time. He had time. He had zero budget. He waited for results. He created and innovated as he had genuine passion. Like it or not so many of these coaches had hand holding from Chuck.Some comment but most prefer to hide. Gratefulness and practicing gratitude is for the Dali Lama I guess?

Charles pointed many in the right direction.

He confirmed or denied burning questions.

He was a mentor and a teacher.

Even better he offered total transparency and friendship.

Hard work, planning and sound methodical ideas are never going to be out of date. Skipping steps will work short term but can’t be sustained. Greed lasts for a certain period of time but longevity and sustainability requires balance and acceptance and wow all that sounds so UNSEXY doesn’t it?

Hopefully they looked around the site after or checked out some of Charlie’s materials.

Exactly. Vertical integration, speed being specific to itself, tempo being beneficial, keeping lifting general, etc. These foundational principles will always hold. My best results have always come when I adhered to Charlie’s principles. And almost every time I strayed and tried something “cute,” things didn’t go all that well.

Yes, utilize CF’s training for example (or Pfaff’s who I have great respect for), instead of trying to reinvent the wheel. I understand the need to frequently make small adjustments to training, to find a better way as no program is perfect. That said and to your last post when one deviates too far from the basics (the time-tested methods) results for most people will generally not be optimal.

Another point made on that podcast is how difficult it is supposedly to continue to improve after college from a Tony Wells type of system (“system based program?!” very high intensity, intensive jumps and weights with fairly low sprint volumes-at least early on in the year) as done at USC and Oregon. Well that’s the sort of program DeGrasse was doing before he came to Altis. It’s only difficult to improve from if you don’t know how to get that improvement! When he left USC he certainly was improving but then he only did improve for a while at Altis so that’s on the coach who can’t make that transitional adjustment.

While it’s only a year after turning pro, two athletes who are in a program heavily influenced by Tony Wells seem to be doing pretty well-Michael Norman and Rai Benjamin.

Tony Wells (who passed away in 2012- I met him years before that) was one of the best and least known track coaches in the U.S. (coached primarily high school age girls with the Colorado Flyers track club in Denver) and heavily influential through the U.S. Jr. elite women’s camps held at the Chula Vista O.T.C.

He also said Andre had broken bones in his lower legs from all the high intensity jumps done at USC.

I always remember Charlie saying a lot of coaches want to make athletes faster in less time. I guess that would and could be true when you are coaching college kids. You need and want to shine and you only have a limited amount of time to show case what you know or have so it would be difficult I guess. He said you can skip steps with aggressive progressions? but then you short circuit the development. I suppose you can back up a bit and then try and go forward again but certain injuries are difficult to back up from so you need to be careful.

Spot on mate, spot on.

Didn’t he just go pro and make a number of changes in his life in only a few weeks …only to pull up with a hamstring issue in the Final?? Nike or athlete driven?

How much is Nike paying him anyhow? 12k I’m guessing?

Also, what time of the day does Altis train at… Speed work?

I guess I’ll have to watch the final now. Did he pull or did he stop and restart? I guess I’ll find out in a few minutes.