Chef-de-mission upset with missing managers
KUALA LUMPUR: Commonwealth Games chef-de-mission Datuk Seri Kee Yong Wee met the team managers for the first time yesterday but the two main sports in any multi-event Games – athletics and aquatics – were missing.
Yong Wee, who is president of the Wushu Federation of Malaysia (WFM), was obviously disappointed. He said the meeting was held to get to know the team managers of the 13 sports in which Malaysia will be taking part.
“Surprisingly, the athletics and aquatics team managers failed to attend the meeting. We informed the sports association of the meeting a few days ago,’’ said Yong Wee.
Deputy chef-de-mission Zolkples Embong said that if the managers could not attend, they should have at least sent a representative.
Besides athletics and aquatics Malaysia will also take part in badminton, squash, shooting, basketball (women), boxing, cycling, gymnastics (artistic and rhythmic), hockey (men and women), lawn bowls, table tennis and weightlifting.
Meanwhile, Zolkples said badminton remained Malaysia’s main hope, despite the change in the scoring system from 15-point matches to 21-points matches.
“The organisers changed the 15-point system to the 21-point system a few days ago. Still, we hope the players will give their best.
He added that they also hoped to win the gold medal in squash through World Open champion Nicol David.
Zolkples also reminded the national shooters to make sure their papers were in order before bringing along their weapons.
“We don’t our shooters to be stranded at the Melbourne airport,” he said.